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M8-MA Project: Research Workshop + Seminar "Exploring Migrants and the City: Place-Making in Palermo/ Sicily"

Dozent:innen: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Barbara Veronika Cummings; Paul Hummel
Kurzname: M8-MA
Kurs-Nr.: 09.050.467
Kurstyp: Projektseminar



Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches

Empirical Workshop (M8), summer term 2024
Exploring Migrants and the City: Place-Making in Palermo/ Sicily

This year, the empirical workshop will focus on the multifaceted mediatized perspectives on the European migration regimes across the Mediterranean Sea. This initiative will study urban spaces and place-making processes and will use audiovisual media such as photography, film, sound, and cinema as primary mediums of exploration to understand actors and places.
The impact of (audiovisual) media on narratives surrounding migration is profound, as they have a unique ability to shape public perceptions and thus shape the urban spaces. While public reporting often takes a single-sided view of the topic, the scientific use of audiovisual media offers the possibility of penetrating more deeply and helps to unveil the hidden narratives. To the trained eye, these narratives and stories become visible in a multitude of urban locations where migrants actively challenge the power structures in their cities. By providing a platform to share personal stories and experiences, the selective use of media can help to express the migrants’ urban identity and thus can enable the researcher to re-configurate the agency of those who are often portrayed as victims. Here, we see great potential to humanize individuals affected by migration regimes. Through compelling characters and narratives, producers and urban "curators" can foster empathy and help audiences to connect and encounter living worlds of migrants. The challenge of stereotypes and promotion of a more accurate understanding of the rich cultural tapestry associated with border regions serves as a powerful tool to criticize and examine governance of migration and border regimes. Making the "invisible visible" leads to spatial power negotiations that can have a lasting impact on shaping inclusive spaces of and for migrants in the future.
In cooperation with students from the university of Palermo (Italy), Jyväskylä (Finland) and Sibiu (Romania) we will explore, interpret and critically reflect the complex dynamics of European migration and border regimes. Through a combination of theoretical studies, hands-on workshops, and immersive experiences, we aim to facilitate a deeper understanding of the socio-political, cultural, and humanitarian aspects of border crossings and migration regimes.

March, 22nd, 13.00-14.00h: Information event with details on organisational matters (N239)

April, 30th - May 7th, 14th, 21st – June 4th: 13.30-15am: Seminar (Social Room, 217- 02 123)
June, 9th – 20th: PALERMO (arrival: Latest on June, 9th)
- June, 10th -14th: In-person participation in the Blended Intensive Learning Program (BIP)/ Summer School from the University of Palermo, ‚Migrants and cities: Intersectional studies on the mutual interaction between new citizens and urban space‘, in cooperation with the Diversity and Migration Lab of the FORTHEM Alliance.
- June, 15th – 20th: Audiovisual field work in Palermo
- June, 24th -28th: Virtual participation in the BIP (compulsory)
July, 2nd & 16th, 13.30-15h: post-field discussion and organizational matters
- July- September: Analysis of empirical data, interpretation and preparation of first results for the pre-report.
- October 2024 -January 2025: Final writing of the reports & reparation of a student-led symposium with presentation of the findings (creative formats tbd) in early February 2025.

Organisational matters:
Time of requested presence in Palermo: June, 9th – 20th 2024. (You can travel earlier to Sicily, for extension after the 20th please make sure that your full participation in the second part of the BIP that will be held virtually (June, 24-28th) can be fulfilled.

Estimated costs:
• max. 700€ pp. (incl. 11 nights and an average cost of mobility costs of ca. 300,-€)
Travel options (as by 5th March 2024)
• Flight costs currently vary btw. 150-500 € from Frankfurt;
• Train with DB Interrail Global Pass 194€;
• Flixbus with Ebay voucher (160,-€);
• car-sharing options are depending on the company (and possible drivers amongst the group)
You are kindly asked to book your own mean of transport according to your preferences. We will meet in the evening of the 9th of June in Palermo.
We are booking the group accommodation (B&B Hostel in Palermo, multi-bedrooms). Lunch and Dinner is not covered.
We will inform you on the 22nd of March about the possibilities and the amount of travel allowances (to be deducted from the estimated costs given above).

Zusätzliche Informationen

Bitte beachten Sie, dass Ihre Anmeldung zur Lehrveranstaltung verbindlich ist. Durch einen Rücktritt nach der verbindlichen Anmeldung sind hierdurch tatsächlich entstehende Kosten von Ihnen in voller Höhe zu tragen, sofern kein Ersatzteilnehmer gefunden wird. Bitte bedenken Sie das bei Ihrer Anmeldung!
Wir empfehlen den Abschluss einer Reiserücktrittsversicherung.


Datum (Wochentag) Zeit Ort
22.03.2024 (Freitag) 13:00 - 14:00 02 142 N 239
1341 - Naturwissenschaftliches Institutsgebäude
30.04.2024 (Dienstag) 13:30 - 15:00 217a (02-123)
07.05.2024 (Dienstag) 13:30 - 15:00 217a (02-123)
14.05.2024 (Dienstag) 13:30 - 15:00 217a (02-123)
21.05.2024 (Dienstag) 13:30 - 15:00 217a (02-123)
04.06.2024 (Dienstag) 13:30 - 15:00 217a (02-123)
09.06.2024 (Sonntag) 06:00 - 22:00 Palermo
10.06.2024 (Montag) 06:00 - 22:00 Palermo
11.06.2024 (Dienstag) 06:00 - 22:00 Palermo
12.06.2024 (Mittwoch) 06:00 - 22:00 Palermo
13.06.2024 (Donnerstag) 06:00 - 22:00 Palermo
14.06.2024 (Freitag) 06:00 - 22:00 Palermo
15.06.2024 (Samstag) 06:00 - 22:00 Palermo
16.06.2024 (Sonntag) 06:00 - 22:00 Palermo
17.06.2024 (Montag) 06:00 - 22:00 Palermo
18.06.2024 (Dienstag) 06:00 - 22:00 Palermo
19.06.2024 (Mittwoch) 06:00 - 22:00 Palermo
20.06.2024 (Donnerstag) 06:00 - 22:00 Palermo
02.07.2024 (Dienstag) 13:30 - 15:00 217a (02-123)
16.07.2024 (Dienstag) 13:30 - 15:00 217a (02-123)