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M3-MA Project Seminar: Media Geography

Dozent:innen: Dr. Elisabeth Sommerlad
Kurzname: M3-MA PS
Kurs-Nr.: 09.050.456
Kurstyp: Projektseminar

Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches

In this seminar, we will deepen and apply the knowledge of media geography theory acquired in the winter semester. The seminar will focus on how geography and different media formats are related and can be researched. The topics are not only addressed in the seminar sessions, which take place as intensive weekend-sessions (see below), but a major activity is the creation of a media geography portfolio/blog in which you work on different topics. The aim is to deepen your knowledge of media geography so that you will be able to apply this knowledge to relevant topics to research on our everyday life contexts. We will explore the connection between geographical perspectives and media forms as well as specific subdisciplines of media geography. You will implement these topics as a final project in an academic multimedia portfolio and gain skills in the field of academic blogging.
1)       Prepare a session (see topics below) Timeframe: 2hrs (120 minutes)

  1. Presentation: Provide a) an overview on the overall topic (e.g., “Geography & Street Art”) and b) explain how researchers study (with) the medium. Therefore, refer to empirical case studies (2-3). Be creative: You don’t have to prepare a classical ppt-presentation: Present your topic in a creative format that suits your topic - e.g. video essay, comic, podcast, scrollytelling, StoryMap, audiowalk …feel free to suggest own ideas.
  2. Discussion: Choose a research paper/publication/case study/example on your subject and share it with the group prior to the meeting (via LMS; lates in mid-June). The text serves as input/basis for our discussion in class. Beside classical impulse questions, the discussion may include workshop elements, creative methods, exploration phases etc.
  3. Please ensure a balanced mix between presentation and discussion phase(s)
  4. Submit a well-researched reference list (~10 academic titles) and detailed outline for your session to me (email) and schedule an appointment for discussing your ideas by June 3rd. On that day, we will meet individually to discuss your presentations. The meeting is mandatory.
  5. Topics will be assigned in our preparatory meeting in April. Presentations will take place in our seminar in July.

2)      Multimedia Portfolio

  1. In a final project, you will explore a topic of your choice and create a multimedia portfolio. In our workshop in July, we will develop ideas and explore modes of presentation. Over the summer break, you can work on your project. Submission deadline is November 1st, 2024.
  2. Detailed information on the scope and requirements will be provided in July.




Datum (Wochentag) Zeit Ort
22.04.2024 (Montag) 14:15 - 15:45 N217a
03.06.2024 (Montag) 14:15 - 17:45 N217a
22.07.2024 (Montag) 09:00 - 17:00 04 223
1341 - Naturwissenschaftliches Institutsgebäude
23.07.2024 (Dienstag) 09:00 - 17:00 04 223
1341 - Naturwissenschaftliches Institutsgebäude
24.07.2024 (Mittwoch) 09:00 - 17:00 04 223
1341 - Naturwissenschaftliches Institutsgebäude
25.07.2024 (Donnerstag) 09:00 - 17:00 04 223
1341 - Naturwissenschaftliches Institutsgebäude
26.07.2024 (Freitag) 09:00 - 17:00 04 223
1341 - Naturwissenschaftliches Institutsgebäude
27.07.2024 (Samstag) 09:00 - 15:00 02 142 N 239
1341 - Naturwissenschaftliches Institutsgebäude