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Brinkmann, A., Salkhordeh, R., Wiegert, F., et al. (2025). HLN-Tree: A memory-efficient B+-Tree with huge leaf nodes and locality predictors. ACM Transactions on Storage, 21(2), 1-27. DOI
Cheng, W., Tu, S., Liu, Y., et al. (2025). FlashFox: a secret-sharing approach to securing data deletion for Flash-based SSD. The Computer Journal. Published online. DOI
Salkhordeh, R., Schuhknecht, F. M., Asadi, H., et al. (2025). No Time to Halt: In-Situ Analysis for Large-Scale Data Processing via Virtual Snapshotting. In A. Simitsis, B. Kemme, A. Queralt, et al. (Hrsg.), EDBT (S. 438-450). OpenProceedings.org. Author/Publisher URL
Zhang, S., Qi, J., Yao, X., Brinkmann, A. (2024). Hyper: A High-Performance and Memory-Efficient Learned Index via Hybrid Construction. Proceedings of the ACM on Management of Data, 2(3), 1-26. DOI
Borba, E., Salkhordeh, R., Mimouni, S., et al. (2024). A Hierarchical Modeling Approach for Assessing the Reliability and Performability of Burst Buffers. Proceedings of the 37th GI/IT International Conference on Architecture of Computing Systems (ARCS), Potsdam, Germany, May 14th - 16th.
Huang, H., Wang, P., Su, Q., et al. (2024). Palantir: Hierarchical Similarity Detection for Post-Deduplication Delta Compression. Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS), Volume 2, La Jolla, CA, USA, 27 April 2024- 1 May, 830-845. DOI
Karimi, M., Salkhordeh, R., Brinkmann, A., Asadi, H. (2024). HybRAID: A High-Performance Hybrid RAID Storage Architecture for Write-Intensive Applications in All-Flash Storage Systems. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS, 35(12), 2608-2623. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Medeiros, D., Gregory, E. B., Couvee, P., et al. (2024). IO-SEA: Storage I/O and Data Management for Exascale Architectures Invited Paper. PROCEEDINGS OF THE 21ST ACM INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTING FRONTIERS 2024-WORKSHOPS AND SPECIAL SESSIONS, CF 2024 COMPANION, 94-100. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Qian, Y., Vef, M.-A., Farrell, P., et al. (2024). Combining Buffered I/O and Direct I/O in Distributed File Systems. Proceedings of the 22nd USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies (FAST), Santa Clara, CA, USA, February 27-29, 17-33. Author/Publisher URL
Raaf, P., Brinkmann, A., Borba, E., et al. (2024). From SSDs Back to HDDs: Optimizing VDO to Support Inline Deduplication and Compression for HDDs as Primary Storage Media. ACM TRANSACTIONS ON STORAGE, 20(4). DOI Author/Publisher URL
Schimmelpfennig, F., Brinkmann, A., Asadi, H., Salkhordeh, R. (2024). Skip TLB flushes for reused pages within mmap’s. CoRR, abs/2409.10946.
Tarraf, A., Schreiber, M., Cascajo, A., et al. (2024). Malleability in Modern HPC Systems: Current Experiences, Challenges, and Future Opportunities. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS, 35(9), 1551-1564. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Moti, N., Brinkmann, A., Vef, M.-A., et al. (2023, November 12). The I/O Trace Initiative: Building a Collaborative I/O Archive to Advance HPC. Proceedings of the SC ’23 Workshops of The International Conference on High Performance Computing, Network, Storage, and Analysis. Published. SC-W 2023: Workshops of The International Conference on High Performance Computing, Network, Storage, and Analysis. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Kreppel, F., Melzer, C., Olvera Millán, D. A., et al. (2023). Quantum Circuit Compiler for a Shuttling-Based Trapped-Ion Quantum Computer. Quantum, 7, 1176-1176. DOI
Cheng, W., Sang, D., Zeng, L., et al. (2023). Tianji: Securing a Practical Asynchronous Multi-User ORAM. IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, 20(6), 5143-5155. DOI
Vance, J., Xu, Z.-H., Tretyakov, N., et al. (2023). Code modernization strategies for short-range non-bonded molecular dynamics simulations. Computer Physics Communications, 290, 108760-108760. DOI
Carretero, J., Garcia-Blas, J., Aldinucci, M., et al. (2023). Adaptive multi-tier intelligent data manager for Exascale. Proceedings of the 20th ACM International Conference on Computing Frontiers {CF}, Bologna, Italy, May 9-11, 285-290. DOI
Dai, H., Wu, J., Brinkmann, A., Wang, Y. (2023). Neighborhood-Oriented Decentralized Learning Communication in Multi-Agent System. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science (S. 490-502). Springer Nature Switzerland. DOI
Qian, Y., Cheng, W., Zeng, L., et al. (2023). Xfast: Extreme File Attribute Stat Acceleration for Lustre. Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC), Denver, CO, USA, November 12-17, 96:1-96:12. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Vef, M.-A., Miranda, A., Nou, R., Brinkmann, A. (2023). From Static to Malleable: Improving Flexibility and Compatibility in Burst Buffer File Systems. 2nd International Workshop on Malleability Techniques Applications in High-Performance Computing (HPCMall). Author/Publisher URL
Cheng, W., Zheng, T., Zeng, L., et al. (2022). DPLFS: A Dual-Mode PCM-based Log-Structured File System. 2022 IEEE 40th International Conference on Computer Design (ICCD), 324-331. DOI
Moti, N., Salkhordeh, R., Brinkmann, A. (2022). Protected Functions: User Space Privileged Function Calls. Proceedings of the 35th International Conference on the Architecture of Computing Systems (ARCS), Heilbronn, Germany, September 13-15, 117-131. Author/Publisher URL
Althaus, E., Berenbrink, P., Brinkmann, A., Steiner, R. (2022). On the Optimality of the Greedy Garbage Collection Strategy for SSDs. Proceedings of the 42nd IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS), 78-88. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Ajdari, M., Raaf, P., Kishani, M., et al. (2022). An Enterprise-Grade Open-Source Data Reduction Architecture for All-Flash Storage Systems. Proc. ACM Meas. Anal. Comput. Syst., 6. DOI
Cheng, W., Luo, M., Zeng, L., et al. (2022). Lifespan-based garbage collection to improve SSD’s reliability and performance. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 164, 28-39. DOI
Hieronymus, M., Baumgartner, M., Miltenberger, A., Brinkmann, A. (2022). Algorithmic Differentiation for Sensitivity Analysis in Cloud Microphysics. JOURNAL OF ADVANCES IN MODELING EARTH SYSTEMS, 14(7). DOI Author/Publisher URL
Qian, Y., Cheng, W., Zeng, L., et al. (2022). MetaWBC: POSIX-compliant metadata write-back caching for distributed file systems. Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC), 795-814.
Schimmelpfennig, F., Vef, M.-A., Salkhordeh, R., et al. (2021). Streamlining distributed Deep Learning I/O with ad hoc file systems. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (CLUSTER), 169-180. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Krauter, N., Raaf, P., Braam, P., et al. (2021). Persistent Software Transactional Memory in Haskell. Proc. ACM Program. Lang., 5. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Frank, A., Baumgartner, M., Salkhordeh, R., Brinkmann, A. (2021). Improving checkpointing intervals by considering individual job failure probabilities. 35th IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS), 209-309. DOI
Berenbrink, P., Brinkmann, A., Elsäßer, R., et al. (2021). Randomized renaming in shared memory systems. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 150, 112-120. DOI
Cheng, W., Li, C., Zeng, L., et al. (2021). NVMM-Oriented Hierarchical Persistent Client Caching for Lustre. ACM Transactions on Storage, 17, 6:1-6:22. DOI
Süß, T., Nagel, L., Vef, M.-A., et al. (2021). Pure Functions in C: A Small Keyword for Automatic Parallelization. Int. J. Parallel Program., 49, 1-24. DOI
Cheng, W., Deng, S., Zeng, L., et al. (2021). AIOC2: A deep Q-learning approach to autonomic I/O congestion control in Lustre. Parallel Comput., 108, 102855-102855. DOI
Vance, J., Xu, Z.-H., Tretyakov, N., et al. (2021). Code modernization strategies for short-range non-bonded molecular dynamics simulations. CoRR, abs/2109.10876. Author/Publisher URL
Vef, M.-A., Steiner, R., Salkhordeh, R., et al. (2020). DelveFS - An Event-Driven Semantic File System for Object Stores. 2020 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (CLUSTER), 35-46. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Oeste, S., Vef, M.-A., Soysal, M., et al. (2020). ADA-FS - Advanced Data Placement via Ad hoc File Systems at Extreme Scales. In Software for Exascale Computing - SPPEXA 2016-2019 (Bde. 136, S. 29-59). Springer International Publishing. DOI
Brinkmann, A., Yu, K. M. and W., Carns, P., et al. (2020). Ad Hoc File Systems for High-Performance Computing. Journal of Computer Science and Technology (JCST), 35(1), 4-26. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Vef, M.-A., Moti, N., Süß, T., et al. (2020). GekkoFS - A Temporary Burst Buffer File System for HPC Applications. Journal of Computer Science and Technology (JCST), 35(1), 72-91. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Brinkmann, A., Karl, W., Lankes, S., … Trinitis, C. (Hrsg.). (2020). Architecture of Computing Systems - ARCS 2020 - 33rd International Conference, Aachen, Germany, May 25-28, 2020, Proceedings. 12155. DOI
Cheng, W., Cai, R., Zeng, L., et al. (2020). IMCI: an efficient fingerprint retrieval approach based on 3D stacked memory. Sci. China Inf. Sci., 63. DOI
Cheng, W., Guo, T., Zeng, L., et al. (2020). Improving LSM-trie performance by parallel search. Software: Practice and Experience, 50, 1952-1965. DOI
Santiago-Duran, M., Gonzalez-Compean, J. L., Brinkmann, A., et al. (2020). A gearbox model for processing large volumes of data by using pipeline systems encapsulated into virtual containers. Future Generation Computer Systems, 106, 304-319. Author/Publisher URL
Salkhordeh, R., Brinkmann, A. (2019, Dezember 17). Online Management of Hybrid DRAM-NVMM Memory for HPC. 26th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing, Data and Analytics (HiPC). IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing, Data and Analytics (HiPC), Hyderabad, India. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Oliveira, D., Brinkmann, A., Rosa, N., Maciel, P. (2019). Performability Evaluation and Optimization of Workflow Applications in Cloud Environments. Journal of Grid Computing, 17(4), 749-770. DOI
Baumgartner, M., Sagebaum, M., Gauger, N. R., et al. (2019). Algorithmic Differentiation for Cloud Schemes. Geoscientific Model Development Discussions, 1-23. DOI
Baumgartner, M., Sagebaum, M., Gauger, N. R., et al. (2019). Algorithmic differentiation for cloud schemes (IFS Cy43r3) using CoDiPack (v1.8.1). GEOSCIENTIFIC MODEL DEVELOPMENT, 12(12), 5197-5212. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Kremer, K., Brinkmann, A. (2019). FADaC: a self-adapting data classifier for flash memory. Proceedings of the 12th ACM International Conference on Systems and Storage (SYSTOR), 167-178. DOI
Mäsker, M., Süß, T., Nagel, L., et al. (2019). Hyperion: Building the Largest In-memory Search Tree. Proceedings of the 2019 ACM International Conference on Management of Data (SIGMOD), 1207-1222. DOI
Oliveira, D., Dantas, J., Rosa, N., et al. (2019). A dependability and cost optimisation method for private cloud infrastructures. International Journal of Web and Grid Services (IJWGS), 15, 367-393. DOI
Qian, Y., Li, X., Ihara, S., et al. (2019). LPCC: hierarchical persistent client caching for lustre. Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC), 88:1-88:14. DOI
Soysal, M., Berghoff, M., Zirwes, T., et al. (2019). Using On-Demand File Systems in HPC Environments. 17th International Conference on High Performance Computing and Simulation (HPCS), Dublin, Ireland, July 15-19.
Gad, R., Pickartz, S., Süß, T., et al. (2018). Zeroing memory deallocator to reduce checkpoint sizes in virtualized HPC environments. The Journal of Supercomputing, 74(11), 6236-6257. DOI
Althaus, E., Brinkmann, A., Kling, P., et al. (2018). Scheduling shared continuous resources on many-cores. Journal of Scheduling, 21, 77-92. DOI
Yadgar, G., Yaakobi, E., Margaglia, F., et al. (2018). An Analysis of Flash Page Reuse With WOM Codes. ACM Transactions on Storage (ToS), 14, 10:1-10:39. DOI
Nagel, L., Süß, T., Kremer, K., et al. (2018). Time-efficient Garbage Collection in SSDs. CoRR, abs/1807.09313. Author/Publisher URL
Süß, T., Döring, N., Brinkmann, A., Nagel, L. (2018). And Now for Something Completely Different: Running Lisp on GPUs. IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (CLUSTER), 434-444. DOI
Süß, T., Kaya, T., Mäsker, M., Brinkmann, A. (2018). Deduplication Analyses of Multimedia System Images. USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Edge Computing (HotEdge). USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Edge Computing (HotEdge), Boston, MA, USA. Author/Publisher URL
Vef, M.-A., Moti, N., Süß, T., et al. (2018). GekkoFS - A Temporary Distributed File System for HPC Applications. IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (CLUSTER), Belfast, UK, September 10-13, 319-324. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Vef, M.-A., Tarasov, V., Hildebrand, D., Brinkmann, A. (2018). Challenges and Solutions for Tracing Storage Systems: A Case Study with Spectrum Scale. ACM Transactions on Storage (ToS), 14, 18:1-18:24. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Brinkmann, A., Kaiser, J., Löwer, M., et al. (2017). Secure Genome Processing in Public Cloud and HPC Environments. Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Science Gateways (IWSG). International Workshop on Science Gateways (IWSG), Poznań, Poland. Author/Publisher URL
Brinkmann, A., Mohror, K. M., Yu, W. (2017). Challenges and Opportunities of User-Level File Systems for HPC (Dagstuhl Seminar 17202). Dagstuhl Reports, 7, 97-139.
Congiu, G., Grawinkel, M., Padua, F., et al. (2017). MERCURY: A Transparent Guided I/O Framework for High Performance I/O Stacks. Proceedings of the 25th Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-based Processing (PDP), 46-53.
Oliveira, D., Matos, R. de S., Dantas, J., et al. (2017). Advanced Stochastic Petri Net Modeling with the Mercury Scripting Language. Proceedings of the 11th EAI International Conference on Performance Evaluation Methodologies and Tools (VALUETOOLS), 192-197. DOI
Qian, Y., Li, X., Ihara, S., et al. (2017). A configurable rule based classful token bucket filter network request scheduler for the lustre file system. Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC), 6:1-6:12. DOI
Süß, T., Döring, N., Gad, R., et al. (2017). Impact of the scheduling strategy in heterogeneous systems that provide co-scheduling (C. Trinitis, Hrsg.; S. Seiten: 142-162). Amsterdam:IOS Press. Author/Publisher URL
Süß, T., Nagel, L., Vef, M.-A., et al. (2017). Pure Functions in C: A Small Keyword for Automatic Parallelization. 2017 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (CLUSTER), 552-556. DOI
Trinitis, C., Weidendorfer, J., Brinkmann, A. (2017). Co-Scheduling: Prospects and Challenges. CO-SCHEDULING OF HPC APPLICATIONS, 28, 1-11. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Congiu, G., Narasimhamurthy, S., Suess, T., Brinkmann, A. (2016). Improving Collective I/O Performance Using Non-Volatile Memory Devices. 2016 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CLUSTER COMPUTING (CLUSTER), 120-129. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Gad, R., Pickartz, S., Süß, T., et al. (2016). Accelerating Application Migration in HPC. Proceedings of the 11th Workshop on Virtualization in High-Performance Cloud Computing (VHPC) held in conjunction with the International Supercomputing Conference (ISC), 663-673. DOI
Grawinkel, M., Nagel, L., Brinkmann, A. (2016). LoneStar RAID: Massive Array of Offline Disks for Archival Systems. ACM TRANSACTIONS ON STORAGE, 12(1). DOI Author/Publisher URL
Kaiser, J., Gad, R., Süß, T., et al. (2016). Deduplication potential of HPC applications’ checkpoints. Seiten: 413-422. Author/Publisher URL
Kaiser, J., Süß, T., Nagel, L., Brinkmann, A. (2016). Sorted deduplication : how to process thousands of backup streams. Seiten: 1-14. Author/Publisher URL
Lensing, P. H., Cortes, T., Huges, J., Brinkmann, A. (2016). File system scalability with highly decentralized metadata on independent storage devices. Seiten: 366-375. Author/Publisher URL
Margaglia, F., Yadgar, G., Yaakobi, E., et al. (2016). The devil is in the details : implementing flash page reuse with WOM codes. Seiten: 95-109.
Masker, M., Nagel, L., Suess, T., et al. (2016). Simulation and Performance Analysis of the ECMWF Tape Library System. SC ’16: PROCEEDINGS OF THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE FOR HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING, NETWORKING, STORAGE AND ANALYSIS, 252-263. Author/Publisher URL
Mäsker, M., Nagel, L., Brinkmann, A., et al. (2016). Smart Grid-aware scheduling in data centres. Computer communications, 96, Seiten: 73-85. Author/Publisher URL
Süß, T., Döring, N., Gad, R., et al. (2016). Impact of the scheduling strategy in heterogeneous systems that provide co-scheduling (C. Trinitis, Hrsg.; S. Seiten: 37-42). München:TUM library. Author/Publisher URL
Süß, T., Döring, N., Gad, R., et al. (2016). VarySched : a framework for variable scheduling in heterogeneous environments. Seiten: 489-492. Author/Publisher URL
Margaglia, F., Brinkmann, A. (2015). Improving MLC flash performance and endurance with extended P/E cycles. 2015 31st Symposium on Mass Storage Systems and Technologies (MSST), 1-12. DOI
Grawinkel, M., Nagel, L., Mäsker, M., et al. (2015). Analysis of the ECMWF Storage Landscape. Proceedings of the 13th USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies (FAST), 15-27. Author/Publisher URL
Berenbrink, P., Brinkmann, A., Elsässer, R., et al. (2015). Randomized renaming in shared memory systems. Seiten: 542-549. Author/Publisher URL
Grawinkel, M., Mardaus, M., Süß, T., Brinkmann, A. (2015). Evaluation of a hash-compress-encrypt pipeline for storage system applications. Seiten: 355-356. Author/Publisher URL
Herres-Pawlis, S., Hoffmann, A., Balaské, Ákos, et al. (2015). Quantum chemical meta-workflows in MoSGrid. Concurrency and computation, 27(2), Seiten: 344-357. Author/Publisher URL
Kaiser, J., Brinkmann, A., Süß, T., Meister, D. (2015). Deriving and comparing deduplication techniques using a model-based classification. Art. 11. Author/Publisher URL
Mäsker, M., Nagel, L., Brinkmann, A., et al. (2015). Smart grid-aware scheduling in data centres. Seiten: 1-9. Author/Publisher URL
Queralt, A., Martí, J., Baars, H., et al. (2015). Fusing Storage and Computing for the Domain of Business Intelligence and Analytics - Research Opportunities (T. X. Bui, Hrsg.; S. Seiten: 4752-4761). Piscataway, NJ:IEEE. Author/Publisher URL
Wu, J., Narayanan, K., Nagel, L., et al. (2015). Building a medical research cloud in the EASI-CLOUDS project. Concurrency and computation, 27(16), Seiten: 4465-4477. Author/Publisher URL
Berenbrink, P., Brinkmann, A., Friedetzky, T., Nagel, L. (2014). Balls into non-uniform bins. Journal of parallel and distributed computing, 74(2), Seiten: 2065-2076. Author/Publisher URL
Brinkmann, A., Kling, P., Meyer auf der Heide, F., et al. (2014). Scheduling shared continuous resources on many-cores (G. Blelloch, Hrsg.; S. Seiten: 128-137). New York, NY:ACM. Author/Publisher URL
Congiu, G., Grawinkel, M., Padua, F., et al. (2014). Optimizing scientific file {I/O} patterns using advice based knowledge. Seiten: 282-283. Author/Publisher URL
Fiehe, C., Litvina, A., Tonn, J., et al. (2014). Building a medical research cloud in the EASI-CLOUDS project. Seiten: 36-41. Author/Publisher URL
Gad, R., Süß, T., Brinkmann, A. (2014). Compiler driven automatic kernel context migration for heterogeneous computing. Seiten: 389-398. Author/Publisher URL
Grawinkel, M., Best, G., Splietker, M., Brinkmann, A. (2014). Lone Star Stack : architecture of a disk-based archival system. Seiten: 176-185. Author/Publisher URL
Krüger, J., Grunzke, R., Gesing, S., et al. (2014). The MoSGrid science gateway : a complete solution for molecular simulations. Journal of chemical theory and computation, 10(6), Seiten: 2232-2245. Author/Publisher URL
Miranda, A., Effert, S., Kang, Y., et al. (2014). Random Slicing: Efficient and Scalable Data Placement for Large-Scale Storage Systems. ACM TRANSACTIONS ON STORAGE, 10(3). DOI Author/Publisher URL
Pickartz, S., Gad, R., Lankes, S., et al. (2014). Migration techniques in HPC environments. Seiten: 486-497. Author/Publisher URL
Packschies, L., Birkenheuer, G., Blunk, D., et al. (2013). The MoSGrid - e-science gateway: molecular simulations in a distributed computing environment. Journal of Cheminformatics, 5(S1). DOI
Berenbrink, P., Brinkmann, A., Friedetzky, T., et al. (2013). Distributing storage in cloud environments. Seiten: 963-973. Author/Publisher URL
Brinkmann, A., Fiehe, C., Litvina, A., et al. (2013). Scalable monitoring system for clouds. Seiten: 351-356. Author/Publisher URL
Kaiser, J., Margaglia, F., Brinkmann, A. (2013). Extending SSD lifetime in database applications with page overwrites. Art. 11. Author/Publisher URL
Kaiser, J., Meister, D., Gottfried, V., Brinkmann, A. (2013). MCD : overcoming the data download bottleneck in data centers. Seiten: 88-97. Author/Publisher URL
Lensing, P. H., Cortes, T., Brinkmann, A. (2013). Direct lookup and hash-based metadata placement for local file systems. Art. 5. Author/Publisher URL
Meister, D., Brinkmann, A., Süß, T. (2013). File recipe compression in data deduplication systems. Seiten: 175-182.
Meister, D., Kaiser, J., Brinkmann, A. (2013). Block locality caching for data deduplication. Art. 15. Author/Publisher URL
Perez-Hernandez, M. S., Brinkmann, A., Anastasiadis, S., et al. (2013). Topic 5: Parallel and Distributed Data Management. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science (S. 215-215). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. DOI
Birkenheuer, G., Blunk, D., Breuers, S., et al. (2012). MoSGrid: efficient data management and a standardized data exchange format for molecular simulations in a grid environment. Journal of Cheminformatics, 4(S1). DOI
Berenbrink, P., Brinkmann, A., Friedetzky, T., Nagel, L. (2012). Balls into bins with related random choices. Journal of parallel and distributed computing, 72(2), Seiten: 246-253. Author/Publisher URL
Birkenheuer, G., Brinkmann, A., Kaiser, J., et al. (2012). Virtualized HPC : a contradiction in terms?. Software <Chichester>, 42(4), Seiten: 485-500. Author/Publisher URL
Congiu, G., Grawinkel, M., Narasimhamurthy, S., Brinkmann, A. (2012). One phase commit : a low overhead atomic commitment protocol for scalable metadata services. Seiten: 16-24.
Gesing, S., Grunzke, R., Krüger, J., et al. (2012). A single sign-on infrastructure for science gateways on a use case for structural bioinformatics. Journal of grid computing, 10(4), Seiten: 769-790. Author/Publisher URL
Grawinkel, M., Süß, T., Best, G., et al. (2012). Towards dynamic scripted pNFS layouts. Seiten: 13-17. Author/Publisher URL
Herres-Pawlis, S., Birkenheuer, G., Brinkmann, A., et al. (2012). Workflow-enhanced conformational analysis of guanidine zinc complexes via a science gateway (S. Gesing, Hrsg.; S. Seiten: 142-151). Amsterdam [u.a.]:IOS Press.
Kaiser, J., Meister, D., Brinkmann, A., Effert, S. (2012). Design of an exact data deduplication cluster. Seiten: 1-12. Author/Publisher URL
Kaiser, J., Meister, D., Hartung, T., Brinkmann, A. (2012). ESB : Ext2 split block device. Seiten: 181-188. Author/Publisher URL
Kovacs, J., Filipe Araujo, Serhiy Boychenko, et al. (2012). Monitoring UNICORE jobs executed on desktop grid resources (P. Biljanovic, Hrsg.; S. Seiten: 265-270). Piscataway, NJ:IEEE.
Meister, D., Kaiser, J., Brinkmann, A., et al. (2012). A study on data deduplication in HPC storage systems (J. K. Hollingsworth, Hrsg.; S. Article No. 7). Los Alamitos, CA:IEEE Computer Society Press.
Niehörster, O., Brinkmann, A., Keller, A., et al. (2012). Cost-aware and SLO-fulfilling software as a service. Journal of grid computing, 10(3), Seiten: 553-577. Author/Publisher URL
Popov, I., Brinkmann, A., Friedetzky, T. (2012). On the influence of PRNGs on data distribution (R. Stotzka, Hrsg.; S. Seiten: 536-543). Piscataway, NJ:IEEE. Author/Publisher URL
Birkenheuer, G., Blunk, D., Breuers, S., et al. (2011). MoSGrid – a molecular simulation grid as a new tool in computational chemistry, biology and material science. Journal of Cheminformatics, 3(S1). DOI
Krüger, J., Birkenheuer, G., Blunk, D., et al. (2011). Molecular simulation grid. Journal of Cheminformatics, 3(S1). DOI
Miranda, A., Effert, S., Kang, Y., et al. (2011). Reliable and randomized data distribution strategies for large scale storage systems. 2011 18th International Conference on High Performance Computing, 1-10. DOI
Niehorster, O., Keller, A., Brinkmann, A. (2011). An Energy-Aware SaaS Stack. 2011 IEEE 19th Annual International Symposium on Modelling, Analysis, and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems, 450-453. DOI
Beisel, T., Wiersema, T., Plessl, C., Brinkmann, A. (2011). Cooperative multitasking for heterogeneous accelerators in the Linux Completely Fair Scheduler. Seiten: 223-226.
Birkenheuer, G., Brinkmann, A. (2011). Reservation-based overbooking for HPC clusters. Seiten: 537-541. Author/Publisher URL
Birkenheuer, G., Brinkmann, A., Hoegqvist, M., et al. (2011). Infrastructure Federation Through Virtualized Delegation of Resources and Services. JOURNAL OF GRID COMPUTING, 9(3), 355-377. DOI Author/Publisher URL
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Grawinkel, M., Pargmann, M., Dömer, H., Brinkmann, A. (2011). Lonestar : an energy-aware disk based long-term archival storage system. Seiten: 380-387. Author/Publisher URL
Grawinkel, M., Schäfer, T., Brinkmann, A., et al. (2011). Evaluation of applied intra-disk redundancy schemes to improve single disk reliability (W. Cai, Hrsg.; S. Seiten: 297-306). Piscataway, NJ:IEEE. Author/Publisher URL
Keller, M., Meister, D., Brinkmann, A., et al. (2011). eScience cloud infrastructure (S. Biffl, Hrsg.; S. Seiten: 188-195). Piscataway, NJ:IEEE. Author/Publisher URL
Kleineweber, C., Keller, A., Niehörster, O., Brinkmann, A. (2011). Rule-based mapping of virtual machines in clouds (Y. Cotronis, Hrsg.; S. Seiten: 527-534). Piscataway, NJ:IEEE, 2011. Author/Publisher URL
Krieger, A., Niehörster, O., Simon, J., Brinkmann, A. (2011). Autonomic resource management with support vector machines (S. Jha, Hrsg.; S. Seiten: 157-164). Piscataway, NJ:IEEE. Author/Publisher URL
Niehörster, O., Brinkmann, A. (2011). Autonomic resource management handling delayed configuration effects. Seiten: 138-145.
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Berenbrink, P., Brinkmann, A., Friedetzky, T., Nagel, L. (2010). Balls into bins with related random choices. Seiten: 100-105. Author/Publisher URL
Berenbrink, P., Brinkmann, A., Friedetzky, T., Nagel, L. (2010). Balls into non-uniform bins (D. A. Bader, Hrsg.; S. Seiten: 1-10). Piscataway, NJ:IEEE. Author/Publisher URL
Bienkowski, M., Brinkmann, A., Klonowski, M., Korzeniowski, M. (2010). SkewCCC+ : a heterogeneous distributed hash table (C. Lu, Hrsg.; S. Seiten: 219-234). Berlin u.a.:Springer.
Birkenheuer, G., Breuers, S., Brinkmann, A., et al. (2010). Grid-workflows in molecular science (G. Engels, Hrsg.; S. Seiten: 177-184). Bonn:Ges. für Informatik (GI).
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Bolte, M., Sievers, M., Birkenheuer, G., et al. (2010). Non-intrusive virtualization management using libvirt. Seiten: 574-579.
Gao, Y., Meister, D., Brinkmann, A. (2010). Reliability analysis of declustered-parity RAID 6 with disk scrubbing and considering irrecoverable read errors. Seiten: 126-134. Author/Publisher URL
Hasselbring, W., Brinkmann, A. (2010). 3. Grid Workflow Workshop (GWW 2010). In G. Engels, M. Luckey, A. Pretschner, R. H. Reussner (Hrsg.), Software Engineering (Workshops): Bd. P-160 (S. 161-162). GI. Author/Publisher URL
Hasselbring, W., Brinkmann, A. (2010). 3. Grid Workflow Workshop (GWW 2010). In G. Engels, M. Luckey, W. Schäfer (Hrsg.), Software Engineering: Bd. P-159 (S. 242-242). GI. Author/Publisher URL
Lensing, P., Meister, D., Brinkmann, A. (2010). hashFS : applying hashing to optimized file systems for small file reads. Seiten: 33-42. Author/Publisher URL
Niehörster, O., Brinkmann, A., Fels, G., et al. (2010). Enforcing SLAs in scientific clouds. Seiten: 178-187. Author/Publisher URL
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Brinkmann, A., Eschweiler, D. (2009). A microdriver architecture for error correcting codes inside the linux kernel. Seiten: 388-397. Author/Publisher URL
Höing, A., Scherp, G., Gudenkauf, S., et al. (2009). An orchestration as a service infrastructure using grid technologies and WS-BPEL. Seiten: 301-315. Author/Publisher URL
Meister, D., Brinkmann, A. (2009). Multi-level comparison of data deduplication in a backup scenario (M. Allalouf, Hrsg.; S. Article No. 8). New York, NY:ACM. Author/Publisher URL
Bienkowski, M., Brinkmann, A., Korzeniowski, M. (2008). Degree 3 suffices : a large-scale overlay for P2P networks (T. P. Baker, Hrsg.; S. Seiten: 184-196). Berlin u.a.:Springer.
Brinkmann, A., Effert, S. (2008). Data replication in p2p environments. Seiten: 191-193. Author/Publisher URL
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Brinkmann, A., Effert, S. (2007). Inter-node Communication in Peer-to-Peer Storage Clusters. 24th IEEE Conference on Mass Storage Systems and Technologies (MSST 2007), 257-262. DOI
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Brinkmann, A., Effert, S. (2007). Snapshots and continuous data replication in cluster storage environments. Seiten: 3-10. Author/Publisher URL
Brinkmann, A., Effert, S., Meyer auf der Heide, F. and, Scheideler, C. (2007). Dynamic and redundant data placement (Computer Society Technical Committee on Distributed Processing, Hrsg.; S. Seite: 29). Piscataway, NJ:IEEE. Author/Publisher URL
Brinkmann, A., Effert, S., Heidebuer, M., Vodisek, M. (2006, April 23). Realizing Multilevel Snapshots in Dynamically Changing Virtualized Storage Environments. Fifth International Conference on Networking and the International Conference on Systems (ICN / ICONS / MCL 2006). DOI
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Bienkowski, M., Brinkmann, A., Korzeniowski, M., Orhan, O. (2005). Cube Connected Cycles based Bluetooth scatternet formation. Seiten: 413-420. Author/Publisher URL
Loeser, C., Schomaker, G., Brinkmann, A., et al. (2005). Content distribution in heterogenous video-on-Demand P2P networks with ARIMA forecasts (P. Lorenz, Hrsg.; S. Seiten: 800-809). Berlin:Springer. Author/Publisher URL
Brinkmann, A., Heidebuer, M., Meyer auf der Heide, F., et al. (2004). V:drive - costs and benefits of an out-of-band storage virtualization system. Seiten: 153-157.
Loeser, C., Brinkmann, A., Rückert, U. (2004). Distributed path selection (DPS) : a traffic engineering protocol for IP-networks (R. H. Sprague, Hrsg.; S. 83). Los Alamitos, Calif. [u.a.]:IEEE Computer Soc. Author/Publisher URL
Awerbuch, B., Brinkmann, A., Scheideler, C. (2003). Anycasting in adversarial systems : routing and admission control (J. C. M. Baeten, Hrsg.; S. Seiten: 1153-1168). Berlin [u.a.]:Springer. Author/Publisher URL
Brinkmann, A., Salzwedel, K., Scheideler, C. (2002). Compact, adaptive placement schemes for non-uniform requirements. Seiten: 53-62. Author/Publisher URL
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Awerbuch, B., Berenbrink, P., Brinkmann, A., Scheideler, C. (2001). Simple routing strategies for adversarial systems. Seiten: 158-167.
Berenbrink, P., Brinkmann, A., Scheideler, C. (2001). SimLab : a simulation environment for storage area networks. Seiten: 227-234.
Berenbrink, P., Brinkmann, A., Scheideler, C. (2000). Distributed path selection for storage networks (H. R. Arabnia, Hrsg.; S. Seiten: 1097-1105). Las Vegas:CSREA Press.
Brinkmann, A., Langen, D., Rückert, U. (2000). A rapid prototyping environment for microprocessor based system-on-chips and its application to the development of a network processor. Seiten: 838-841. Author/Publisher URL
Brinkmann, A., Salzwedel, K., Scheideler, C. (2000). Efficient, distributed data placement strategies for storage area networks (extended abstract). In G. L. Miller, S.-H. Teng (Hrsg.), SPAA (S. 119-128). ACM. Author/Publisher URL
Berenbrink, P., Brinkmann, A., Scheideler, C. Design of the PRESTO Multimedia Server. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Communication and Data Management in Large Networks (CDMLarge), 2-12.
Brinkmann, A., Niemann, J.-C., Hehemann, I., et al. On-Chip Interconnects for Next Generation System-on-Chips. Proceedings of the 15th Annual IEEE International ASIC/SOC Conference, 212-215. DOI
Frank, A., Süß, T., Brinkmann, A. Effects and benefits of node sharing strategies in HPC batch systems. Proceedings of the 33rd IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS), 43-53. DOI
Frank, A., Yang, D., Süß, T., et al. Reducing False Node Failure Predictions in HPC. 26th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing, Data and Analytics (HiPC). IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing, Data and Analytics (HiPC), Hyderabad, India. DOI
Kreppel, F., Melzer, C., Wagner, J., et al. Shuttling Compiler for a Trapped-Ion Quantum Computer Architecture with Junctions. 2024 IEEE International Conference on Quantum Computing and Engineering (QCE), Volume 1, Montréal, Canada, September 15-20, 1, 1065-1076. DOI
Moti, N., Schimmelpfennig, F., Salkhordeh, R., et al. Simurgh: A Fully Decentralized and Secure NVMM User SpaceFile System. Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC). International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC), St. Louis. MO, USA. Author/Publisher URL
Salkhordeh, R., Kremer, K., Nagel, L., et al. Constant Time Garbage Collection in SSDs. 15th International Conference on Networking, Architecture, and Storage (NAS). 15th International Conference on Networking, Architecture, and Storage (NAS), Riverside, CA, USA. Author/Publisher URL
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Brinkmann, A., Salkhordeh, R., Wiegert, F., et al. (2025). HLN-Tree: A memory-efficient B+-Tree with huge leaf nodes and locality predictors. ACM Transactions on Storage, 21(2), 1-27. DOI
Cheng, W., Tu, S., Liu, Y., et al. (2025). FlashFox: a secret-sharing approach to securing data deletion for Flash-based SSD. The Computer Journal. Published online. DOI
Salkhordeh, R., Schuhknecht, F. M., Asadi, H., et al. (2025). No Time to Halt: In-Situ Analysis for Large-Scale Data Processing via Virtual Snapshotting. In A. Simitsis, B. Kemme, A. Queralt, et al. (Hrsg.), EDBT (S. 438-450). OpenProceedings.org. Author/Publisher URL
Zhang, S., Qi, J., Yao, X., Brinkmann, A. (2024). Hyper: A High-Performance and Memory-Efficient Learned Index via Hybrid Construction. Proceedings of the ACM on Management of Data, 2(3), 1-26. DOI
Borba, E., Salkhordeh, R., Mimouni, S., et al. (2024). A Hierarchical Modeling Approach for Assessing the Reliability and Performability of Burst Buffers. Proceedings of the 37th GI/IT International Conference on Architecture of Computing Systems (ARCS), Potsdam, Germany, May 14th - 16th.
Huang, H., Wang, P., Su, Q., et al. (2024). Palantir: Hierarchical Similarity Detection for Post-Deduplication Delta Compression. Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS), Volume 2, La Jolla, CA, USA, 27 April 2024- 1 May, 830-845. DOI
Karimi, M., Salkhordeh, R., Brinkmann, A., Asadi, H. (2024). HybRAID: A High-Performance Hybrid RAID Storage Architecture for Write-Intensive Applications in All-Flash Storage Systems. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS, 35(12), 2608-2623. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Medeiros, D., Gregory, E. B., Couvee, P., et al. (2024). IO-SEA: Storage I/O and Data Management for Exascale Architectures Invited Paper. PROCEEDINGS OF THE 21ST ACM INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTING FRONTIERS 2024-WORKSHOPS AND SPECIAL SESSIONS, CF 2024 COMPANION, 94-100. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Qian, Y., Vef, M.-A., Farrell, P., et al. (2024). Combining Buffered I/O and Direct I/O in Distributed File Systems. Proceedings of the 22nd USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies (FAST), Santa Clara, CA, USA, February 27-29, 17-33. Author/Publisher URL
Raaf, P., Brinkmann, A., Borba, E., et al. (2024). From SSDs Back to HDDs: Optimizing VDO to Support Inline Deduplication and Compression for HDDs as Primary Storage Media. ACM TRANSACTIONS ON STORAGE, 20(4). DOI Author/Publisher URL
Schimmelpfennig, F., Brinkmann, A., Asadi, H., Salkhordeh, R. (2024). Skip TLB flushes for reused pages within mmap’s. CoRR, abs/2409.10946.
Tarraf, A., Schreiber, M., Cascajo, A., et al. (2024). Malleability in Modern HPC Systems: Current Experiences, Challenges, and Future Opportunities. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS, 35(9), 1551-1564. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Moti, N., Brinkmann, A., Vef, M.-A., et al. (2023, November 12). The I/O Trace Initiative: Building a Collaborative I/O Archive to Advance HPC. Proceedings of the SC ’23 Workshops of The International Conference on High Performance Computing, Network, Storage, and Analysis. Published. SC-W 2023: Workshops of The International Conference on High Performance Computing, Network, Storage, and Analysis. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Kreppel, F., Melzer, C., Olvera Millán, D. A., et al. (2023). Quantum Circuit Compiler for a Shuttling-Based Trapped-Ion Quantum Computer. Quantum, 7, 1176-1176. DOI
Cheng, W., Sang, D., Zeng, L., et al. (2023). Tianji: Securing a Practical Asynchronous Multi-User ORAM. IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, 20(6), 5143-5155. DOI
Vance, J., Xu, Z.-H., Tretyakov, N., et al. (2023). Code modernization strategies for short-range non-bonded molecular dynamics simulations. Computer Physics Communications, 290, 108760-108760. DOI
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Dai, H., Wu, J., Brinkmann, A., Wang, Y. (2023). Neighborhood-Oriented Decentralized Learning Communication in Multi-Agent System. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science (S. 490-502). Springer Nature Switzerland. DOI
Qian, Y., Cheng, W., Zeng, L., et al. (2023). Xfast: Extreme File Attribute Stat Acceleration for Lustre. Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC), Denver, CO, USA, November 12-17, 96:1-96:12. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Vef, M.-A., Miranda, A., Nou, R., Brinkmann, A. (2023). From Static to Malleable: Improving Flexibility and Compatibility in Burst Buffer File Systems. 2nd International Workshop on Malleability Techniques Applications in High-Performance Computing (HPCMall). Author/Publisher URL
Cheng, W., Zheng, T., Zeng, L., et al. (2022). DPLFS: A Dual-Mode PCM-based Log-Structured File System. 2022 IEEE 40th International Conference on Computer Design (ICCD), 324-331. DOI
Moti, N., Salkhordeh, R., Brinkmann, A. (2022). Protected Functions: User Space Privileged Function Calls. Proceedings of the 35th International Conference on the Architecture of Computing Systems (ARCS), Heilbronn, Germany, September 13-15, 117-131. Author/Publisher URL
Althaus, E., Berenbrink, P., Brinkmann, A., Steiner, R. (2022). On the Optimality of the Greedy Garbage Collection Strategy for SSDs. Proceedings of the 42nd IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS), 78-88. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Ajdari, M., Raaf, P., Kishani, M., et al. (2022). An Enterprise-Grade Open-Source Data Reduction Architecture for All-Flash Storage Systems. Proc. ACM Meas. Anal. Comput. Syst., 6. DOI
Cheng, W., Luo, M., Zeng, L., et al. (2022). Lifespan-based garbage collection to improve SSD’s reliability and performance. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 164, 28-39. DOI
Hieronymus, M., Baumgartner, M., Miltenberger, A., Brinkmann, A. (2022). Algorithmic Differentiation for Sensitivity Analysis in Cloud Microphysics. JOURNAL OF ADVANCES IN MODELING EARTH SYSTEMS, 14(7). DOI Author/Publisher URL
Qian, Y., Cheng, W., Zeng, L., et al. (2022). MetaWBC: POSIX-compliant metadata write-back caching for distributed file systems. Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC), 795-814.
Schimmelpfennig, F., Vef, M.-A., Salkhordeh, R., et al. (2021). Streamlining distributed Deep Learning I/O with ad hoc file systems. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (CLUSTER), 169-180. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Krauter, N., Raaf, P., Braam, P., et al. (2021). Persistent Software Transactional Memory in Haskell. Proc. ACM Program. Lang., 5. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Frank, A., Baumgartner, M., Salkhordeh, R., Brinkmann, A. (2021). Improving checkpointing intervals by considering individual job failure probabilities. 35th IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS), 209-309. DOI
Berenbrink, P., Brinkmann, A., Elsäßer, R., et al. (2021). Randomized renaming in shared memory systems. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 150, 112-120. DOI
Cheng, W., Li, C., Zeng, L., et al. (2021). NVMM-Oriented Hierarchical Persistent Client Caching for Lustre. ACM Transactions on Storage, 17, 6:1-6:22. DOI
Süß, T., Nagel, L., Vef, M.-A., et al. (2021). Pure Functions in C: A Small Keyword for Automatic Parallelization. Int. J. Parallel Program., 49, 1-24. DOI
Cheng, W., Deng, S., Zeng, L., et al. (2021). AIOC2: A deep Q-learning approach to autonomic I/O congestion control in Lustre. Parallel Comput., 108, 102855-102855. DOI
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Vef, M.-A., Steiner, R., Salkhordeh, R., et al. (2020). DelveFS - An Event-Driven Semantic File System for Object Stores. 2020 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (CLUSTER), 35-46. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Oeste, S., Vef, M.-A., Soysal, M., et al. (2020). ADA-FS - Advanced Data Placement via Ad hoc File Systems at Extreme Scales. In Software for Exascale Computing - SPPEXA 2016-2019 (Bde. 136, S. 29-59). Springer International Publishing. DOI
Brinkmann, A., Yu, K. M. and W., Carns, P., et al. (2020). Ad Hoc File Systems for High-Performance Computing. Journal of Computer Science and Technology (JCST), 35(1), 4-26. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Vef, M.-A., Moti, N., Süß, T., et al. (2020). GekkoFS - A Temporary Burst Buffer File System for HPC Applications. Journal of Computer Science and Technology (JCST), 35(1), 72-91. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Brinkmann, A., Karl, W., Lankes, S., … Trinitis, C. (Hrsg.). (2020). Architecture of Computing Systems - ARCS 2020 - 33rd International Conference, Aachen, Germany, May 25-28, 2020, Proceedings. 12155. DOI
Cheng, W., Cai, R., Zeng, L., et al. (2020). IMCI: an efficient fingerprint retrieval approach based on 3D stacked memory. Sci. China Inf. Sci., 63. DOI
Cheng, W., Guo, T., Zeng, L., et al. (2020). Improving LSM-trie performance by parallel search. Software: Practice and Experience, 50, 1952-1965. DOI
Santiago-Duran, M., Gonzalez-Compean, J. L., Brinkmann, A., et al. (2020). A gearbox model for processing large volumes of data by using pipeline systems encapsulated into virtual containers. Future Generation Computer Systems, 106, 304-319. Author/Publisher URL
Salkhordeh, R., Brinkmann, A. (2019, Dezember 17). Online Management of Hybrid DRAM-NVMM Memory for HPC. 26th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing, Data and Analytics (HiPC). IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing, Data and Analytics (HiPC), Hyderabad, India. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Oliveira, D., Brinkmann, A., Rosa, N., Maciel, P. (2019). Performability Evaluation and Optimization of Workflow Applications in Cloud Environments. Journal of Grid Computing, 17(4), 749-770. DOI
Baumgartner, M., Sagebaum, M., Gauger, N. R., et al. (2019). Algorithmic Differentiation for Cloud Schemes. Geoscientific Model Development Discussions, 1-23. DOI
Baumgartner, M., Sagebaum, M., Gauger, N. R., et al. (2019). Algorithmic differentiation for cloud schemes (IFS Cy43r3) using CoDiPack (v1.8.1). GEOSCIENTIFIC MODEL DEVELOPMENT, 12(12), 5197-5212. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Kremer, K., Brinkmann, A. (2019). FADaC: a self-adapting data classifier for flash memory. Proceedings of the 12th ACM International Conference on Systems and Storage (SYSTOR), 167-178. DOI
Mäsker, M., Süß, T., Nagel, L., et al. (2019). Hyperion: Building the Largest In-memory Search Tree. Proceedings of the 2019 ACM International Conference on Management of Data (SIGMOD), 1207-1222. DOI
Oliveira, D., Dantas, J., Rosa, N., et al. (2019). A dependability and cost optimisation method for private cloud infrastructures. International Journal of Web and Grid Services (IJWGS), 15, 367-393. DOI
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Althaus, E., Brinkmann, A., Kling, P., et al. (2018). Scheduling shared continuous resources on many-cores. Journal of Scheduling, 21, 77-92. DOI
Yadgar, G., Yaakobi, E., Margaglia, F., et al. (2018). An Analysis of Flash Page Reuse With WOM Codes. ACM Transactions on Storage (ToS), 14, 10:1-10:39. DOI
Nagel, L., Süß, T., Kremer, K., et al. (2018). Time-efficient Garbage Collection in SSDs. CoRR, abs/1807.09313. Author/Publisher URL
Süß, T., Döring, N., Brinkmann, A., Nagel, L. (2018). And Now for Something Completely Different: Running Lisp on GPUs. IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (CLUSTER), 434-444. DOI
Süß, T., Kaya, T., Mäsker, M., Brinkmann, A. (2018). Deduplication Analyses of Multimedia System Images. USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Edge Computing (HotEdge). USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Edge Computing (HotEdge), Boston, MA, USA. Author/Publisher URL
Vef, M.-A., Moti, N., Süß, T., et al. (2018). GekkoFS - A Temporary Distributed File System for HPC Applications. IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (CLUSTER), Belfast, UK, September 10-13, 319-324. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Vef, M.-A., Tarasov, V., Hildebrand, D., Brinkmann, A. (2018). Challenges and Solutions for Tracing Storage Systems: A Case Study with Spectrum Scale. ACM Transactions on Storage (ToS), 14, 18:1-18:24. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Brinkmann, A., Kaiser, J., Löwer, M., et al. (2017). Secure Genome Processing in Public Cloud and HPC Environments. Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Science Gateways (IWSG). International Workshop on Science Gateways (IWSG), Poznań, Poland. Author/Publisher URL
Brinkmann, A., Mohror, K. M., Yu, W. (2017). Challenges and Opportunities of User-Level File Systems for HPC (Dagstuhl Seminar 17202). Dagstuhl Reports, 7, 97-139.
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Congiu, G., Narasimhamurthy, S., Suess, T., Brinkmann, A. (2016). Improving Collective I/O Performance Using Non-Volatile Memory Devices. 2016 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CLUSTER COMPUTING (CLUSTER), 120-129. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Gad, R., Pickartz, S., Süß, T., et al. (2016). Accelerating Application Migration in HPC. Proceedings of the 11th Workshop on Virtualization in High-Performance Cloud Computing (VHPC) held in conjunction with the International Supercomputing Conference (ISC), 663-673. DOI
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Kaiser, J., Gad, R., Süß, T., et al. (2016). Deduplication potential of HPC applications’ checkpoints. Seiten: 413-422. Author/Publisher URL
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Lensing, P. H., Cortes, T., Huges, J., Brinkmann, A. (2016). File system scalability with highly decentralized metadata on independent storage devices. Seiten: 366-375. Author/Publisher URL
Margaglia, F., Yadgar, G., Yaakobi, E., et al. (2016). The devil is in the details : implementing flash page reuse with WOM codes. Seiten: 95-109.
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Mäsker, M., Nagel, L., Brinkmann, A., et al. (2016). Smart Grid-aware scheduling in data centres. Computer communications, 96, Seiten: 73-85. Author/Publisher URL
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Margaglia, F., Brinkmann, A. (2015). Improving MLC flash performance and endurance with extended P/E cycles. 2015 31st Symposium on Mass Storage Systems and Technologies (MSST), 1-12. DOI
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Berenbrink, P., Brinkmann, A., Elsässer, R., et al. (2015). Randomized renaming in shared memory systems. Seiten: 542-549. Author/Publisher URL
Grawinkel, M., Mardaus, M., Süß, T., Brinkmann, A. (2015). Evaluation of a hash-compress-encrypt pipeline for storage system applications. Seiten: 355-356. Author/Publisher URL
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Congiu, G., Grawinkel, M., Padua, F., et al. (2014). Optimizing scientific file {I/O} patterns using advice based knowledge. Seiten: 282-283. Author/Publisher URL
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Gad, R., Süß, T., Brinkmann, A. (2014). Compiler driven automatic kernel context migration for heterogeneous computing. Seiten: 389-398. Author/Publisher URL
Grawinkel, M., Best, G., Splietker, M., Brinkmann, A. (2014). Lone Star Stack : architecture of a disk-based archival system. Seiten: 176-185. Author/Publisher URL
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Kaiser, J., Meister, D., Gottfried, V., Brinkmann, A. (2013). MCD : overcoming the data download bottleneck in data centers. Seiten: 88-97. Author/Publisher URL
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Herres-Pawlis, S., Birkenheuer, G., Brinkmann, A., et al. (2012). Workflow-enhanced conformational analysis of guanidine zinc complexes via a science gateway (S. Gesing, Hrsg.; S. Seiten: 142-151). Amsterdam [u.a.]:IOS Press.
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Beisel, T., Wiersema, T., Plessl, C., Brinkmann, A. (2011). Cooperative multitasking for heterogeneous accelerators in the Linux Completely Fair Scheduler. Seiten: 223-226.
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Schweim, D., Thorhauer, A., Rothlauf, F. (2018). On the non-uniform redundancy of representations for grammatical evolution : the influence of grammars. In C. Ryan (Hrsg.), Handbook of grammatical evolution (S. Seiten: 55-78). Cham:Springer International Publishing - Springer. Author/Publisher URL
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Probst, M., Rothlauf, F., Grahl, J. (2017). Scalability of using Restricted Boltzmann Machines for combinatorial optimization. European Journal of Operational Research, 256(2), 368-383. DOI
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Congiu, G., Grawinkel, M., Padua, F., et al. (2017). MERCURY: A Transparent Guided I/O Framework for High Performance I/O Stacks. Proceedings of the 25th Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-based Processing (PDP), 46-53.
Herrmann, S., Herrmann, M., Ochoa, G., Rothlauf, F. (2017). Shaping Communities of Local Optima by Perturbation Strength. PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2017 GENETIC AND EVOLUTIONARY COMPUTATION CONFERENCE (GECCO’17), 266-273. DOI Author/Publisher URL
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Congiu, G., Narasimhamurthy, S., Suess, T., Brinkmann, A. (2016). Improving Collective I/O Performance Using Non-Volatile Memory Devices. 2016 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CLUSTER COMPUTING (CLUSTER), 120-129. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Gad, R., Pickartz, S., Süß, T., et al. (2016). Accelerating Application Migration in HPC. Proceedings of the 11th Workshop on Virtualization in High-Performance Cloud Computing (VHPC) held in conjunction with the International Supercomputing Conference (ISC), 663-673. DOI
Grawinkel, M., Nagel, L., Brinkmann, A. (2016). LoneStar RAID: Massive Array of Offline Disks for Archival Systems. ACM TRANSACTIONS ON STORAGE, 12(1). DOI Author/Publisher URL
Herrmann, S., Ochoa, G., Rothlauf, F. (2016). Coarse-Grained Barrier Trees of Fitness Landscapes. In J. Handl, E. Hart, P. R. Lewis, et al. (Hrsg.), PPSN (Bde. 9921, S. 901-910). Springer. Author/Publisher URL
Huschens, M., Müller, H., Rothlauf, F., Schunk, D. (2016). Effects of Performance Transparency in E-Learning Applications: A Field Study in Primary Schools. Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik, Ilmenau.
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Lensing, P. H., Cortes, T., Huges, J., Brinkmann, A. (2016). File system scalability with highly decentralized metadata on independent storage devices. Seiten: 366-375. Author/Publisher URL
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Berenbrink, P., Brinkmann, A., Elsässer, R., et al. (2015). Randomized renaming in shared memory systems. Seiten: 542-549. Author/Publisher URL
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Golle, U., Rothlauf, F., Boysen, N. (2015). Iterative beam search for car sequencing. Annals of operations research, 226(1), Seiten: 239-254. Author/Publisher URL
Grawinkel, M., Mardaus, M., Süß, T., Brinkmann, A. (2015). Evaluation of a hash-compress-encrypt pipeline for storage system applications. Seiten: 355-356. Author/Publisher URL
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Herrmann, S., Rothlauf, F. (2015). Predicting Heuristic Search Performance with PageRank Centrality in Local Optima Networks. GECCO’15: PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2015 GENETIC AND EVOLUTIONARY COMPUTATION CONFERENCE, 401-408. DOI Author/Publisher URL
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Mäsker, M., Nagel, L., Brinkmann, A., et al. (2015). Smart grid-aware scheduling in data centres. Seiten: 1-9. Author/Publisher URL
Pfeiffer, J., Duzevik, D., Rothlauf, F., et al. (2015). An optimized design of choice experiments : a new approach for studying decision behavior in choice task experiments. Journal of behavioral decision making, 28(3), Seiten: 262-280. Author/Publisher URL
Probst, M., Rothlauf, F. (2015). Deep Boltzmann Machines in Estimation of Distribution Algorithms for Combinatorial Optimization. CoRR, abs/1509.06535.
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Herrmann, S., Grahl, J., Rothlauf, F. (2014). Problem Complexity in Parallel Problem Solving. CoRR, abs/1403.6330.
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Pfeiffer, J., Meißner, M., Brandstätter, E., et al. (2014). On the influence of context-based complexity on information search patterns : an individual perspective. Journal of neuroscience, psychology, and economics, 7(2), Seiten: 103-124. Author/Publisher URL
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Probst, M., Rothlauf, F., Grahl, J. (2014). An Implicitly Parallel EDA Based on Restricted Boltzmann Machines. GECCO’14: PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2014 GENETIC AND EVOLUTIONARY COMPUTATION CONFERENCE, 1055-1062. DOI Author/Publisher URL
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Rothlauf, F., Graf, N. (2014). Influencing supporters’ attitudes towards NGO-firm collaborations. Competitive paper session.
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Seredyński, A., Rothlauf, F., Grosche, T. (2014). An airline connection builder using maximum connection lag with greedy parameter selection. Journal of air transport management, 36, Seiten: 120-128. Author/Publisher URL
Thorhauer, A., Rothlauf, F. (2014). On the Locality of Standard Search Operators in Grammatical Evolution. PARALLEL PROBLEM SOLVING FROM NATURE - PPSN XIII, 8672, 465-475. Author/Publisher URL
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Hielscher, M., Hartmann, W., Rothlauf, F. (2013). Entwicklung eines Autorenwerkzeuges für digitale, multimediale und interaktive Lernbausteine im Web 2.0. In A. Breiter, C. Rensing (Hrsg.), DeLFI: Bd. P-218 (S. 203-214). GI. Author/Publisher URL
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Kaiser, J., Margaglia, F., Brinkmann, A. (2013). Extending SSD lifetime in database applications with page overwrites. Art. 11. Author/Publisher URL
Kaiser, J., Meister, D., Gottfried, V., Brinkmann, A. (2013). MCD : overcoming the data download bottleneck in data centers. Seiten: 88-97. Author/Publisher URL
Lensing, P. H., Cortes, T., Brinkmann, A. (2013). Direct lookup and hash-based metadata placement for local file systems. Art. 5. Author/Publisher URL
Meister, D., Brinkmann, A., Süß, T. (2013). File recipe compression in data deduplication systems. Seiten: 175-182.
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Heimbach, I., Grahl, J., Rothlauf, F. (2012). The effects of state-dependent human behavior on the design of a serial line. Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft, 82(7-8), 745-762. DOI
Pfeiffer, J., Probst, M., Steitz, W., Rothlauf, F. (2012). Inferring decision strategies from clickstreams in decision support systems: a new process-tracing approach using state machines. Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft, 82(S4), 25-46. DOI
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Congiu, G., Grawinkel, M., Narasimhamurthy, S., Brinkmann, A. (2012). One phase commit : a low overhead atomic commitment protocol for scalable metadata services. Seiten: 16-24.
Gesing, S., Grunzke, R., Krüger, J., et al. (2012). A single sign-on infrastructure for science gateways on a use case for structural bioinformatics. Journal of grid computing, 10(4), Seiten: 769-790. Author/Publisher URL
Grawinkel, M., Süß, T., Best, G., et al. (2012). Towards dynamic scripted pNFS layouts. Seiten: 13-17. Author/Publisher URL
Herres-Pawlis, S., Birkenheuer, G., Brinkmann, A., et al. (2012). Workflow-enhanced conformational analysis of guanidine zinc complexes via a science gateway (S. Gesing, Hrsg.; S. Seiten: 142-151). Amsterdam [u.a.]:IOS Press.
Kaiser, J., Meister, D., Brinkmann, A., Effert, S. (2012). Design of an exact data deduplication cluster. Seiten: 1-12. Author/Publisher URL
Kaiser, J., Meister, D., Hartung, T., Brinkmann, A. (2012). ESB : Ext2 split block device. Seiten: 181-188. Author/Publisher URL
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Niehörster, O., Brinkmann, A., Keller, A., et al. (2012). Cost-aware and SLO-fulfilling software as a service. Journal of grid computing, 10(3), Seiten: 553-577. Author/Publisher URL
Popov, I., Brinkmann, A., Friedetzky, T. (2012). On the influence of PRNGs on data distribution (R. Stotzka, Hrsg.; S. Seiten: 536-543). Piscataway, NJ:IEEE. Author/Publisher URL
Rothlauf, F., Ernst, C.-P. H. (2012). Potenzielle Erfolgsfaktoren von SaaS-Unternehmen (D. Mattfeld und S. Robra-Bissantz, Hrsg.; S. 587-598). GITO Verlag.
Rothlauf, F., Ernst, C.-P. H. (2012). SaaS-Geschäftsmodelle: Alle gleich, alle verschieden? (D. Mattfeld und S. Robra-Bissantz, Hrsg.; S. 551-558). GITO Verlag.
Rothlauf, F., Graf, N. (2012). Being Unfaithful or Staying True To Its Mission: How an NGO Can Influence Its Supporters. 38th European International Business Academy Annual Conference, Brighton.
Rothlauf, F., Grahl, J. (2012). Social contagion: Seeding strategies under incomplete information (S. Aral, F. Provost, und A. Sundararajan, Hrsg.).
Steitz, W., Rothlauf, F. (2012). Edge Orientation and the Design of Problem-Specific Crossover Operators for the OCST Problem. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON EVOLUTIONARY COMPUTATION, 16(1), 108-116. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Steitz, W., Rothlauf, F. (2012). Using penalties instead of rewards: Solving OCST problems with guided local search. SWARM AND EVOLUTIONARY COMPUTATION, 3, 46-53. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Birkenheuer, G., Blunk, D., Breuers, S., et al. (2011). MoSGrid – a molecular simulation grid as a new tool in computational chemistry, biology and material science. Journal of Cheminformatics, 3(S1). DOI
Krüger, J., Birkenheuer, G., Blunk, D., et al. (2011). Molecular simulation grid. Journal of Cheminformatics, 3(S1). DOI
Miranda, A., Effert, S., Kang, Y., et al. (2011). Reliable and randomized data distribution strategies for large scale storage systems. 2011 18th International Conference on High Performance Computing, 1-10. DOI
Rothlauf, F. (2011). Representations for evolutionary algorithms. Proceedings of the 13th annual conference companion on Genetic and evolutionary computation, 1191-1212. DOI
Niehorster, O., Keller, A., Brinkmann, A. (2011). An Energy-Aware SaaS Stack. 2011 IEEE 19th Annual International Symposium on Modelling, Analysis, and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems, 450-453. DOI
Beisel, T., Wiersema, T., Plessl, C., Brinkmann, A. (2011). Cooperative multitasking for heterogeneous accelerators in the Linux Completely Fair Scheduler. Seiten: 223-226.
Birkenheuer, G., Brinkmann, A. (2011). Reservation-based overbooking for HPC clusters. Seiten: 537-541. Author/Publisher URL
Birkenheuer, G., Brinkmann, A., Hoegqvist, M., et al. (2011). Infrastructure Federation Through Virtualized Delegation of Resources and Services. JOURNAL OF GRID COMPUTING, 9(3), 355-377. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Birkenheuer, G., Brinkmann, A., Högqvist, M., et al. (2011). Infrastructure federation through virtualized delegation of resources and services : DGSI ; adding interoperability to DCI meta schedulers. Journal of grid computing, 9(3), Seiten: 355-377. Author/Publisher URL
Boysen, N., Golle, U., Rothlauf, F. (2011). The car resequencing problem with pull-off tables. Business research, 4(2), Seiten: 276-292.
Brinkmann, A., Gao, Y., Korzeniowski, M., Meister, D. (2011). Request load balancing for highly skewed traffic in p2p networks. Seiten: 53-62. Author/Publisher URL
Brinkmann, A., Pease, D. (2011). Guest Editorial. ACM Trans. Storage, 7, 7:1-7:1. DOI
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Kleineweber, C., Keller, A., Niehörster, O., Brinkmann, A. (2011). Rule-based mapping of virtual machines in clouds (Y. Cotronis, Hrsg.; S. Seiten: 527-534). Piscataway, NJ:IEEE, 2011. Author/Publisher URL
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Rothlauf, F., Pfeiffer, J., Steitz, W., Probst, M. (2011). Inferring Decision Strategies from Clickstreams in Decision Support Systems: A new Process-Tracing Approach using State Machines. 73. Wissenschaftliche Jahrestagung des Verbandes der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft e.V.
Steitz, W., Rothlauf, F. (2011). Guided local search for the optimal communication spanning tree problem. Seiten: 51-52.
Woerle de Lima, T., Delbem, C. A., Rothlauf, F. (2011). Analysis of properties of recombination operators proposed for the node-depth encoding. Seiten: 137-138.
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Bienkowski, M., Brinkmann, A., Klonowski, M., Korzeniowski, M. (2010). SkewCCC+ : a heterogeneous distributed hash table (C. Lu, Hrsg.; S. Seiten: 219-234). Berlin u.a.:Springer.
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Golle, U., Boysen, N., Rothlauf, F. (2010). Analysis and design of sequencing rules for car sequencing. European journal of operational research, 206(3), Seiten: 579-585. Author/Publisher URL
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Brinkmann, A., Eschweiler, D. (2009). A microdriver architecture for error correcting codes inside the linux kernel. Seiten: 388-397. Author/Publisher URL
Grahl, J., Minner, S., Rothlauf, F. (2009). Decomposition of Dynamic Single-Product and Multi-product Lotsizing Problems and Scalability of EDAs. In A. Fink, F. Rothlauf (Hrsg.), Advances in Computational Intelligence in Transport, Logistics, and Supply Chain Management (S. 231-251). Berlin Heidelberg:Springer. DOI
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Pfeiffer, J., Riedl, R., Rothlauf, F. (2009). On the Relationship between Interactive Decision Aids and Decision Strategies: A Theoretical Analysis. In H. R. Hansen, D. Karagiannis, H.-G. Fill (Hrsg.), Wirtschaftsinformatik (2) (Bde. 247, S. 161-176). Österreichische Computer Gesellschaft. Author/Publisher URL
Rothlauf, F. (2009). An encoding in metaheuristics for the minimum communication spanning Tree problem. INFORMS journal on computing, 21(4), Seiten: 575-584. Author/Publisher URL
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Deibert, S., Heinzl, A., Rothlauf, F. (2008). The Impact Logic of Mobile Technology Usage on Job Production. In I. Benbasat, A. R. Montazemi (Hrsg.), AMCIS (S. 160-160). Association for Information Systems. Author/Publisher URL
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Griese, B., Brinkmann, A., Porrmann, M. (2008). SelfS : a real-time protocol for virtual ring topologies. Seiten: 1-8. Author/Publisher URL
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Pfeiffer, J., Rothlauf, F. (2007). Analysis of greedy heuristics and weight-coded eas for multidimensional knapsack problems and multi-unit combinatorial auctions. Proceedings of the 9th annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary computation, 1529-1529. DOI
Beimborn, D., Fladung, R. B., Rothlauf, F. (2007). How to Configure Cost-optimal Procurement Consortia for Academic Libraries. In J. A. Hoxmeier, S. C. Hayne (Hrsg.), AMCIS (S. 316-316). Association for Information Systems. Author/Publisher URL
Berkling, K., Geisser, M., Hildenbrand, T., Rothlauf, F. (2007). Offshore Software Development: Transferring Research Findings into the Classroom. In B. Meyer, M. Joseph (Hrsg.), SEAFOOD (Bde. 4716, S. 1-18). Springer. Author/Publisher URL
Birkhofer, A., Deibert, S., Rothlauf, F. (2007). Critical Success Factors for Mobile Field Service Applications: A Case Research. In A. Oberweis, C. Weinhardt, H. Gimpel, et al. (Hrsg.), Wirtschaftsinformatik (1) (S. 291-308). Universitaetsverlag Karlsruhe. Author/Publisher URL
Bosman, P. A. N., Grahl, J., Rothlauf, F. (2007). SDR: a better trigger for adaptive variance scaling in normal EDAs. In H. Lipson (Hrsg.), GECCO (S. 492-499). ACM. Author/Publisher URL
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Brinkmann, A., Effert, S. (2007). Snapshots and continuous data replication in cluster storage environments. Seiten: 3-10. Author/Publisher URL
Brinkmann, A., Effert, S., Meyer auf der Heide, F. and, Scheideler, C. (2007). Dynamic and redundant data placement (Computer Society Technical Committee on Distributed Processing, Hrsg.; S. Seite: 29). Piscataway, NJ:IEEE. Author/Publisher URL
Butter, T., Rothlauf, F., Grahl, J., et al. (2007). Genetic Algorithms for Finding Optimal Strategies for a Student’s Game. 2007 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Games, 346-351. DOI
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Grosche, T., Rothlauf, F., Heinzl, A. (2007). Gravity models for airline passenger volume estimation. Journal of air transport management, 13(4), Seiten: 175-183. Author/Publisher URL
Hildenbrand, T., Rothlauf, F., Heinzl, A. (2007). Ansätze zur kollaborativen Softwareerstellung. Wirtschaftsinformatik, 49(Sonderheft), Seiten: 72-80.
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Pfeiffer, J., Rothlauf, F. (2007). Greedy Heuristics and Weight-Coded EAs for Multidimensional Knapsack Problems and Multi-Unit Combinatorial Auctions. In J. Kalcsics, S. Nickel (Hrsg.), OR (S. 153-158). Springer. Author/Publisher URL
Rothlauf, F. (2007). Design and Application of Metaheuristics [PhD Thesis].
Rothlauf, F. (2007). Konzeption und Implementierung eines Planungssystems für Schnittstellentests. In A. Oberweis, C. Weinhardt, H. Gimpel, et al. (Hrsg.), Wirtschaftsinformatik (2) (S. 483-500). Universitaetsverlag Karlsruhe. Author/Publisher URL
Rothlauf, F., Deibert, S. (2007). On the Bene t of Using Mobile Technologies in Business Processes (P. Cunningham und M. Cunningham, Hrsg.; Nummer Exploiting the Knowledge Economy - Issues, Applications, Case Studies, S. 1721-1728). IOS Press.
Rothlauf, F., Giacobini, M., Brabazon, A., … Yang, S. (Hrsg.). (2007). Applications of Evolutionary Computing (Lecture Notes on Computer Science, Bde. 4448). Springer Science & Business Media.
Brinkmann, A., Effert, S., Heidebuer, M., Vodisek, M. (2006, April 23). Realizing Multilevel Snapshots in Dynamically Changing Virtualized Storage Environments. Fifth International Conference on Networking and the International Conference on Systems (ICN / ICONS / MCL 2006). DOI
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Zöller, A., Braubach, L., Pokahr, A., et al. (2006). Evaluation of a Multi-Agent System for Hospital Patient Scheduling. International Transactions on Systems Science and Applications, 1(4), 375-380.
Rothlauf, F., Branke, J., Cagnoni, S., … Corne, D. W. (Hrsg.). (2005). Applications of Evolutionary Computing Evoworkshops: EvoBIO, EvoCOMNET, EvoHot, EvoIASP, EvoMUSART, and EvoSTOC (Lecture Notes on Computer Science, Bde. 3449). Heidelberg:Springer Science & Business Media. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Bienkowski, M., Brinkmann, A., Korzeniowski, M., Orhan, O. (2005). Cube Connected Cycles based Bluetooth scatternet formation. Seiten: 413-420. Author/Publisher URL
Grahl, J., Minner, S., Rothlauf, F. (2005). Behaviour of UMDAc with truncation selection on monotonous functions. Congress on Evolutionary Computation, 2553-2559. Author/Publisher URL
Loeser, C., Schomaker, G., Brinkmann, A., et al. (2005). Content distribution in heterogenous video-on-Demand P2P networks with ARIMA forecasts (P. Lorenz, Hrsg.; S. Seiten: 800-809). Berlin:Springer. Author/Publisher URL
Reichelt, D., Rothlauf, F. (2005). Reliable Communication Network Design with Evolutionary Algorithms. Int. J. Comput. Intell. Appl., 5, 251-266.
Reichelt, D., Rothlauf, F. (2005). Verfahren zur Bestimmung der Zuverlässigkeit von Kommunikationsnetzwerken: Eine Studie zu exakten und approximativen Verfahren. In H. Federrath (Hrsg.), Sicherheit: Bd. P-62 (S. 89-100). GI. Author/Publisher URL
Rothlauf, F. (Hrsg.). (2005). GECCO Workshop Proceedings of the Annual Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation. ACM Press.
Rothlauf, F., Schunk, D., Pfeiffer, J. (2005). Classification of Human Decision Behavior:
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Rothlauf, F., Tzschoppe, C. (2005). Making the edge-set encoding fly by controlling the bias of its crossover operator. EVOLUTIONARY COMPUTATION IN COMBINATORIAL OPTIMIZATION, PROCEEDINGS, 3448, 202-212. Author/Publisher URL
Brinkmann, A., Heidebuer, M., Meyer auf der Heide, F., et al. (2004). V:drive - costs and benefits of an out-of-band storage virtualization system. Seiten: 153-157.
Grahl, J., Rothlauf, F. (2004). PolyEDA: Combining estimation of distribution algorithms and linear inequality constraints. GENETIC AND EVOLUTIONARY COMPUTATION - GECCO 2004, PT 1, PROCEEDINGS, 3102, 1174-1185. Author/Publisher URL
Loeser, C., Brinkmann, A., Rückert, U. (2004). Distributed path selection (DPS) : a traffic engineering protocol for IP-networks (R. H. Sprague, Hrsg.; S. 83). Los Alamitos, Calif. [u.a.]:IEEE Computer Soc. Author/Publisher URL
Reichelt, D., Rothlauf, F., Gmilkowsky, P. (2004). Designing reliable communication networks with a genetic algorithm using a repair heuristic. EVOLUTIONARY COMPUTATION IN COMBINATORIAL OPTIMIZATION, PROCEEDINGS, 3004, 177-187. Author/Publisher URL
Rothlauf, F. (2004). OptiNet: Ein Optimierungswerkzeug für baumförmige Netzwerkprobleme (L. Suhl und S. Voß, Hrsg.; S. 15-34).
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Rothlauf, F., Paulussen, T. O., Heinzl, A. (2004). Service - Applications of Software Agents. Künstliche Intell., 18, 42-42.
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Rothlauf, F., … Heinzl, A. (Hrsg.). (2004). Application of Software Agents: Bd. 2/2004. arenaDTaP Verlag.
Tzschoppe, C., Rothlauf, F., Pesch, H. J. (2004). The edge-set encoding revisited: On the bias of a direct representation for trees. GENETIC AND EVOLUTIONARY COMPUTATION GECCO 2004 , PT 2, PROCEEDINGS, 3103, 258-270. Author/Publisher URL
Awerbuch, B., Brinkmann, A., Scheideler, C. (2003). Anycasting in adversarial systems : routing and admission control (J. C. M. Baeten, Hrsg.; S. Seiten: 1153-1168). Berlin [u.a.]:Springer. Author/Publisher URL
Rothlauf, F. (2003). On the locality of representations of Integers on the Performance of Selectorecombinative Genetic Algorithms. GENETIC AND EVOLUTIONARY COMPUTATION - GECCO 2003, PT II, PROCEEDINGS, 2724, 1608-1609.
Rothlauf, F. (2003). Population sizing for the redundant trivial voting mapping. GENETIC AND EVOLUTIONARY COMPUTATION - GECCO 2003, PT II, PROCEEDINGS, 2724, 1307-1319. Author/Publisher URL
Rothlauf, F., David E. Goldberg. (2003). Redundant representations in evolutionary computation. Evolutionary computation, 11(4), Seiten: 381-415.
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Rothlauf, F. (2002). Binary Representations of Integers and the Performance of Selectorecombinative Genetic Algorithms. In J. J. M. Guervós, P. Adamidis, H.-G. Beyer, et al. (Hrsg.), PPSN (Bde. 2439, S. 99-110). Springer. Author/Publisher URL
Rothlauf, F. (2002). Representations for Genetic and Evolutionary Algorithms (Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing, Bde. 104). Heidelberg:Springer. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Rothlauf, F. (2002). The Influence Of Binary Representations Of Integers On The Performance Of Selectorecombinative Genetic Algorithms. In W. B. Langdon, E. Cantú-Paz, K. E. Mathias, et al. (Hrsg.), GECCO (S. 695-695). Morgan Kaufmann. Author/Publisher URL
Rothlauf, F., Goldberg, D., Heinzl, A. (2002). Network random keys : a tree network representation scheme for genetic and evolutionary algorithms. Evolutionary computation, 10(1), Seiten: 75-97.
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Awerbuch, B., Berenbrink, P., Brinkmann, A., Scheideler, C. (2001). Simple routing strategies for adversarial systems. Seiten: 158-167.
Berenbrink, P., Brinkmann, A., Scheideler, C. (2001). SimLab : a simulation environment for storage area networks. Seiten: 227-234.
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Grosche, T., Heinzl, A., Rothlauf, F. (2001). A conceptual approach for simultaneous flight schedule construction with genetic algorithms. APPLICATIONS OF EVOLUTIONARY COMPUTING, PROCEEDINGS, 2037, 257-267. Author/Publisher URL
Paulussen, T. O., Rothlauf, F., Heinzl, A. (2001). Konzeption eines Koordinationsmechanismus zur dezentralen Ablaufplanung in medizinischen Behandlungspfaden (MEDPACO). In H. U. Buhl, A. Huther, B. Reitwiesner (Hrsg.), Wirtschaftsinformatik (S. 62-62). Physica Verlag / Springer. Author/Publisher URL
Rothlauf, F. (2001). Towards a Theory of Representations for Genetic and Evolutionary Algorithms - Development of Basic Concepts and their Application to Binary and Tree Representations [PhD Thesis].
Rothlauf, F. (2001). Towards a theory of representations for genetic and evolutionary algorithms: development of basic concepts and their application to binary and tree representations.: Bd. D-2 (H. Beilner, H. Fiedler, O. Günther, et al., Hrsg.; S. 157-167). GI. Author/Publisher URL
Rothlauf, F., Gottlieb, J., Julstrom, B., Raidl, G. (2001). Prüfer Numbers: A Poor Representation of Spanning Trees for Evolutionary Search (W. B. Langdon, Hrsg.; S. 343-350). Morgan Kaufmann Publishers.
Rothlauf, F., Schmitt, F. (2001). On the Importance of the Second Largest Eigenvalue on the Convergence Rate of Genetic Algorithms (W. B. Langdon, Hrsg.; S. 559-564). Morgan Kaufmann Publishers.
Berenbrink, P., Brinkmann, A., Scheideler, C. (2000). Distributed path selection for storage networks (H. R. Arabnia, Hrsg.; S. Seiten: 1097-1105). Las Vegas:CSREA Press.
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Rothlauf, F. (1999). Tree Network Design with Genetic Algorithms - An Investigation in the Locality of the Pruefernumber Encoding. In S. Brave, A. S. Wu (Hrsg.), Late Breaking Papers at the 1999 Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (S. 238-244). Orlando, Florida:.
Rothlauf, F. (1997). Impulsverkürzung für die Maximum-Likelihood Sequenzschätzung und Mehrträgerübertragungsverfahren. [PhD Thesis].
Rothlauf, F. (1996). Erweiterung eines Hochstrombrückengleichrichters [Undergraduate Dissertation].
Berenbrink, P., Brinkmann, A., Scheideler, C. Design of the PRESTO Multimedia Server. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Communication and Data Management in Large Networks (CDMLarge), 2-12.
Bremser, C., Piller, G., Rothlauf, F. How Smart Cities Explore New Technologies. Proceedings on Perspectives in Business Informatics Research - 18th International Conference, 1-15.
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Kreppel, F., Melzer, C., Wagner, J., et al. Shuttling Compiler for a Trapped-Ion Quantum Computer Architecture with Junctions. 2024 IEEE International Conference on Quantum Computing and Engineering (QCE), Volume 1, Montréal, Canada, September 15-20, 1, 1065-1076. DOI
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Osten, V., Oepen, K., Schneider, D. (2025). The C-terminal α-helix is crucial for the activity of the bacterial ABC transporter BmrA. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 301(2), 108098-108098. DOI
Junglas, B., Hudina, E., Schönnenbeck, P., et al. (2024). Structural plasticity of bacterial ESCRT-III protein PspA in higher-order assemblies. In Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. DOI
Junglas, B., Kartte, D., Kutzner, M., et al. (2024). Structural basis for Vipp1 membrane binding: From loose coats and carpets to ring and rod assemblies. In Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. DOI
Joerg, M., Plehn, J. E., Kristen, M., et al. (2024). N1-methylation of adenosine (m1A) in ND5 mRNA leads to complex I dysfunction in Alzheimer’s disease. MOLECULAR PSYCHIATRY. Published. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Junglas, B., Gewehr, L., Mernberger, L., et al. (2024). Structural basis for GTPase activity and conformational changes of the bacterial dynamin-like protein <i>Syn</i>DLP. CELL REPORTS, 43(9). DOI Author/Publisher URL
Junglas, B., Hudina, E., Schoennenbeck, P., et al. (2024). Structural plasticity of bacterial ESCRT-III protein PspA in higher-order assemblies. NATURE STRUCTURAL & MOLECULAR BIOLOGY. Published. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Junglas, B., Kartte, D., Kutzner, M., et al. (2024). Structural basis for Vipp1 membrane binding: from loose coats and carpets to ring and rod assemblies. NATURE STRUCTURAL & MOLECULAR BIOLOGY. Published. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Pohland, A.-C., Bernat, G., Geimer, S., Schneider, D. (2024). Mg<SUP>2+</SUP> limitation leads to a decrease in chlorophyll, resulting in an unbalanced photosynthetic apparatus in the cyanobacterium <i>Synechocytis</i> sp. PCC6803. PHOTOSYNTHESIS RESEARCH, 162(1), 13-27. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Quarta, N., Bhandari, T. R., Girard, M., et al. (2024). Monomer unfolding of a bacterial ESCRT-III superfamily member is coupled to oligomer disassembly. PROTEIN SCIENCE, 33(11). DOI Author/Publisher URL
Bessler, L., Vogt, L., Lander, M., et al. (2023). Ein neues bakterielles, von Adenosin abgeleitetes Nukleosid als Beispiel für RNA‐Modifikationsschäden. Angewandte Chemie, 135(11). DOI
Gewehr, L., Junglas, B., Jilly, R., et al. (2023). SynDLP is a dynamin-like protein of Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 with eukaryotic features. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, 14(1). DOI Author/Publisher URL
Oepen, K., Mater, V., Schneider, D. (2023). Unfolding Individual Domains of BmrA, a Bacterial ABC Transporter Involved in Multidrug Resistance. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES, 24(6). DOI Author/Publisher URL
Schloesser, L., Sachse, C., Low, H. H., Schneider, D. (2023). Conserved structures of ESCRT-III superfamily members across domains of life. TRENDS IN BIOCHEMICAL SCIENCES, 48(11), 993-1004. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Siebenaller, C., Schneider, D. (2023). Cyanobacterial membrane dynamics in the light of eukaryotic principles. BIOSCIENCE REPORTS, 43(2). DOI Author/Publisher URL
Gewehr, L., Junglas, B., Jilly, R., et al. (2022). Uncommon activation of SynDLP, the fusogenic Dynamin-like protein of the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803. In Research Square Platform LLC. DOI
Ahlswede, L., Siebenaller, C., Junglas, B., et al. (2022). Human Claudin-7 <i>cis</i>-Interactions Are Not Crucial for Membrane-Membrane (<i>Trans</i>-) Interactions. FRONTIERS IN MOLECULAR BIOSCIENCES, 9. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Hellmann, N., Schneider, D. (2022). Hydrophobic mismatch and sequence specificity compete when transmembrane helix-helix interactions are measured with the TOXCAT assay. FRONTIERS IN CHEMISTRY, 10. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Junglas, B., Axt, A., Siebenaller, C., et al. (2022). Membrane destabilization and pore formation induced by the Synechocystis IM30 protein. BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 121(18), 3411-3421. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Kleinwächter, I., Mohr, B., Joppe, A., et al. (2022). CLiB - a novel cardiolipin-binder isolated via data-driven and in vitro screening. RSC Chemical Biology, 3(7), 941-954. DOI
Mater, V., Eisner, S., Seidel, C., Schneider, D. (2022). The Peripherally Membrane-attached Protein MbFACL6 of<i> Mycobacterium</i><i> tuberculosis</i> Activates a Broad Spectrum of Substrates. JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR BIOLOGY, 434(22). DOI Author/Publisher URL
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Steindorf, D., Loeuillet, A., Bagnard, D., et al. (2022). Increased stability of the TM helix oligomer abrogates the apoptotic activity of the human Fas receptor. BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-BIOMEMBRANES, 1864(1). DOI Author/Publisher URL
Cymer, F., Schneider, D. (2021). Small Residues Inhibit Homo-Dimerization of the Human Carbonic Anhydrase XII Transmembrane Domain. MEMBRANES, 11(7). DOI Author/Publisher URL
Hellmann, N., Schneider, D. (2021). A complex unfolding pathway of α-helical membrane proteins in SDS-containing micelles. BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 120(18), 3857-3859. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Junglas, B., Huber, S. T., Heidler, T., et al. (2021). PspA adopts an ESCRT-III-like fold and remodels bacterial membranes. CELL, 184(14), 3674-+. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Kleinwaechter, I. S., Pannwitt, S., Centi, A., et al. (2021). The Bacteriostatic Activity of 2-Phenylethanol Derivatives Correlates with Membrane Binding Affinity. MEMBRANES, 11(4). DOI Author/Publisher URL
Oepen, K., Ozbek, H., Schueffler, A., et al. (2021). Myristic Acid Inhibits the Activity of the Bacterial ABC Transporter BmrA. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES, 22(24). DOI Author/Publisher URL
Schmuser, L., Trefz, M., Roeters, S. J., et al. (2021). Membrane Structure of Aquaporin Observed with Combined Experimental and Theoretical Sum Frequency Generation Spectroscopy. LANGMUIR, 37(45), 13452-13459. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Siebenaller, C., Schlosser, L., Junglas, B., et al. (2021). Binding and/or hydrolysis of purine-based nucleotides is not required for IM30 ring formation. FEBS LETTERS, 595(14), 1876-1885. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Stopp, M., Steinmetz, P. A., Schubert, C., et al. (2021). Transmembrane signaling and cytoplasmic signal conversion by dimeric transmembrane helix 2 and a linker domain of the DcuS sensor kinase. JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY, 296. DOI Author/Publisher URL
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Junglas, B., Axt, A., Siebenaller, C., et al. (2020). Mg<sup>2+</sup>-binding shifts the IM30 activity from membrane protection to membrane destabilization. In Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. DOI
Junglas, B., Huber, S. T., Heidler, T., et al. (2020). PspA adopts an ESCRT-III-like fold and remodels bacterial membranes. In Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. DOI
Junglas, B., Orru, R., Axt, A., et al. (2020). IM30 IDPs form a membrane protective carpet upon super-complex disassembly. In Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. DOI
Fleissner, F., Kumar, S., Klein, N., et al. (2020). Tension causes structural unfolding of intracellular intermediate filaments. In Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. DOI
Dueppre, E., Schneider, D. (2020). The J- and G/F-domains of the major Synechocystis DnaJ protein Sll0897 are sufficient for cell viability but not for heat resistance. FEBS OPEN BIO, 10(11), 2343-2349. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Fleissner, F., Kumar, S., Klein, N., et al. (2020). Tension Causes Unfolding of Intracellular Vimentin Intermediate Filaments. ADVANCED BIOSYSTEMS, 4(11). DOI Author/Publisher URL
Junglas, B., Orru, R., Axt, A., et al. (2020). IM30 IDPs form a membrane-protective carpet upon super-complex disassembly. COMMUNICATIONS BIOLOGY, 3(1). DOI Author/Publisher URL
Junglas, B., Siebenaller, C., Schloesser, L., et al. (2020). GTP hydrolysis by <i>Synechocystis</i> IM30 does not decisively affect its membrane remodeling activity. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 10(1). DOI Author/Publisher URL
Pannwitt, S., Kaltbeitzel, J., Ahlers, P., et al. (2020). Lipid Bilayer Interactions of Peptidic Supramolecular Polymers and Their Impact on Membrane Permeability and Stability. BIOCHEMISTRY, 59(19), 1845-1853. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Siebenaller, C., Junglas, B., Lehmann, A., et al. (2020). Proton Leakage Is Sensed by IM30 and Activates IM30-Triggered Membrane Fusion. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES, 21(12). DOI Author/Publisher URL
Thurotte, A., Seidel, T., Jilly, R., et al. (2020). DnaK3 Is Involved in Biogenesis and/or Maintenance of Thylakoid Membrane Protein Complexes in the Cyanobacterium <i>Synechocystis</i> sp. PCC 6803. LIFE-BASEL, 10(5). DOI Author/Publisher URL
Pohland, A.-C., Schneider, D. (2019). Mg2+ homeostasis and transport in cyanobacteria - at the crossroads of bacterial and chloroplast Mg2+ import. Biological Chemistry, 400(10), 1289-1301. DOI
Hellmann, N., Schneider, D. (2019). Hands On: Using Tryptophan Fluorescence Spectroscopy to Study Protein Structure. PROTEIN SUPERSECONDARY STRUCTURES, 2 EDITION, 1958, 379-401. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Hochheimer, N., Sies, R., Aschenbrenner, A. C., et al. (2019). Classes of non-conventional tetraspanins defined by alternative splicing. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 9. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Klein, N., Trefz, M., Schneider, D. (2019). Covalently Linking Oligomerization-Impaired GlpF Protomers Does Not Completely Re-establish Wild-Type Channel Activity. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES, 20(4). DOI Author/Publisher URL
Pannwitt, S., Slama, K., Depoix, F., et al. (2019). Against Expectations: Unassisted RNA Adsorption onto Negatively Charged Lipid Bilayers. LANGMUIR, 35(45), 14704-14711. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Pannwitt, S., Stangl, M., Schneider, D. (2019). Lipid Binding Controls Dimerization of the Coat Protein p24 Transmembrane Helix. BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 117(9), 1554-1562. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Siebenaller, C., Junglas, B., Schneider, D. (2019). Functional Implications of Multiple IM30 Oligomeric States. FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE, 10. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Thurotte, A., Schneider, D. (2019). The Fusion Activity of IM30 Rings Involves Controlled Unmasking of the Fusogenic Core. FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE, 10. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Heidrich, J., Junglas, B., Grytsyk, N., et al. (2018). Mg<SUP>2+</SUP> binding triggers rearrangement of the IM30 ring structure, resulting in augmented exposure of hydrophobic surfaces competent for membrane binding. JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY, 293(21), 8230-8241. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Jilly, R., Khan, N. Z., Aronsson, H., Schneider, D. (2018). Dynamin-Like Proteins Are Potentially Involved in Membrane Dynamics within Chloroplasts and Cyanobacteria. FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE, 9. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Junglas, B., Schneider, D. (2018). What is Vipp1 good for?. MOLECULAR MICROBIOLOGY, 108(1), 1-5. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Trefz, M., Keller, R., Vogt, M., Schneider, D. (2018). The GlpF residue Trp219 is part of an amino-acid cluster crucial for aquaglyceroporin oligomerization and function. BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-BIOMEMBRANES, 1860(4), 887-894. DOI Author/Publisher URL
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Heidrich, J., Thurotte, A., Schneider, D. (2017). Specific interaction of IM30/Vipp1 with cyanobacterial and chloroplast membranes results in membrane remodeling and eventually in membrane fusion. BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-BIOMEMBRANES, 1859(4), 537-549. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Hennig, R., West, A., Debus, M., et al. (2017). The IM30/Vipp1 C-terminus associates with the lipid bilayer and modulates membrane fusion. BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-BIOENERGETICS, 1858(2), 126-136. DOI Author/Publisher URL
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Saur, M., Hennig, R., Young, P., et al. (2017). A Janus-Faced IM30 Ring Involved in Thylakoid Membrane Fusion Is Assembled from IM30 Tetramers. STRUCTURE, 25(9), 1380-+. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Schneider, D. (2017). Border controls: Lipids control proteins and proteins control lipids. BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-BIOMEMBRANES, 1859(4), 507-508. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Steindorf, D., Schneider, D. (2017). In vivo selection of heterotypically interacting transmembrane helices: Complementary helix surfaces, rather than conserved interaction motifs, drive formation of transmembrane hetero-dimers. BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-BIOMEMBRANES, 1859(2), 245-256. DOI Author/Publisher URL
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Heidrich, J., Wulf, V., Hennig, R., et al. (2016). Organization into Higher Ordered Ring Structures Counteracts Membrane Binding of IM30, a Protein Associated with Inner Membranes in Chloroplasts and Cyanobacteria. JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY, 291(29), 14954-14962. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Zhang, X., Lomora, M., Einfalt, T., et al. (2016). Active surfaces engineered by immobilizing protein-polymer nanoreactors for selectively detecting sugar alcohols. BIOMATERIALS, 89, 79-88. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Keller, R., Schleppi, N., Weikum, J., Schneider, D. (2015). Mutational analyses of YqjA, a Tvp38/DedA protein of E. coli. FEBS Letters, 589(7), 842-848. DOI
Hennig, R., Heidrich, J., Saur, M., et al. (2015). IM30 triggers membrane fusion in cyanobacteria and chloroplasts. Nature communications, 6, Art. 7018. Author/Publisher URL
Klein, N., Hellmann, N., Schneider, D. (2015). Anionic Lipids Modulate the Activity of the Aquaglyceroporin GlpF. BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 109(4), 722-731. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Klein, N., Kümmerer, N., Hobernik, D., Schneider, D. (2015). The AQP2 mutation V71M causes nephrogenic diabetes insipidus in humans but does not impair the function of a bacterial homolog. FEBS Open Bio, 5, Seiten: 640-646. Author/Publisher URL
Klein, N., Neumann, J., O'Neil, J. D., Schneider, D. (2015). Folding and stability of the aquaglyceroporin GlpF: Implications for human aqua(glycero)porin diseases. BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-BIOMEMBRANES, 1848(2), 622-633. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Plohnke, N., Seidel, T., Kahmann, U., et al. (2015). The Proteome and Lipidome of <i>Synechocystis</i> sp PCC 6803 Cells Grown under Light-Activated Heterotrophic Conditions. MOLECULAR & CELLULAR PROTEOMICS, 14(3), 572-584. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Stangl, M., Schneider, D. (2015). Functional competition within a membrane: Lipid recognition vs. transmembrane helix oligomerization. BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-BIOMEMBRANES, 1848(9), 1886-1896. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Bryan, S. J., Burroughs, N. J., Shevela, D., et al. (2014). Localisation and interactions of the Vipp1 protein in cyanobacteria. MOLECULAR MICROBIOLOGY, 94(5), 1179-1195. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Henkel, A., Soennichsen, C., Rivas, G., et al. (2014). Plasmonic Nanosensors for Simultaneous Quantification of Multiple Protein-Protein Binding Affinities. Nano Letters. DOI
Keller, R., Ziegler, C., Schneider, D. (2014). When two turn into one: evolution of membrane transporters from half modules. BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY, 395(12), 1379-1388. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Kellner, S., Neumann, J., Rosenkranz, D., et al. (2014). Profiling of RNA modifications by multiplexed stable isotope labelling. CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS, 50(26), 3516-3518. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Kellner, S., Ochel, A., Thüring, K., et al. (2014). Absolute and relative quantification of RNA modifications via biosynthetic isotopomers. Nucleic acids research, 42(18), e142. Author/Publisher URL
Neumann, J., Klein, N., Otzen, D. E., Schneider, D. (2014). Folding energetics and oligomerization of polytopic α-helical transmembrane proteins. ARCHIVES OF BIOCHEMISTRY AND BIOPHYSICS, 564, 281-296. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Schneider, D., Geyer, J., Schmitt, L. (2014). Highlight: Membrane transport on the move. BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY, 395(12), 1363-1364. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Stangl, M., Hemmelmann, M., Allmeroth, M., et al. (2014). A Minimal Hydrophobicity Is Needed To Employ Amphiphilic p(HPMA)-co-p(LMA) Random Copolymers in Membrane Research. BIOCHEMISTRY, 53(9), 1410-1419. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Stangl, M., Unger, S., Keller, S., Schneider, D. (2014). Sequence-specific dimerization of a transmembrane helix in amphipol A8-35. PLoS one, 9(10), e110970. Author/Publisher URL
Tome, L., Schaetzel, C., Dreher, C., Schneider, D. (2014). Fe- but not Mg-protophorphyrin IX binds to a transmembrane b-type cytochrome. MOLECULAR MEMBRANE BIOLOGY, 31(1), 37-45. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Barthel, S., Bernat, G., Seidel, T., et al. (2013). Thylakoid Membrane Maturation and PSII Activation Are Linked in Greening <i>Synechocystis</i> sp PCC 6803 Cells. PLANT PHYSIOLOGY, 163(2), 1037-1046. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Keller, R., Schneider, D. (2013). Homologs of the yeast Tvp38 vesicle-associated protein are conserved in chloroplasts and cyanobacteria. Frontiers in plant science, 2013(4), Art. 467. Author/Publisher URL
Tome, L., Steindorf, D., Schneider, D. (2013). Genetic Systems for Monitoring Interactions of Transmembrane Domains in Bacterial Membranes. MEMBRANE PROTEINS: FOLDING, ASSOCIATION, AND DESIGN, 1063, 57-91. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Veerappan, A., Eichhorn, T., Zeino, M., et al. (2013). Differential interactions of the broad spectrum drugs artemisinin, dihydroartemisinin and artesunate with serum albumin. PHYTOMEDICINE, 20(11), 969-974. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Weber, M., Schneider, D. (2013). Six amino acids define a minimal dimerization sequence and stabilize a transmembrane helix dimer by close packing and hydrogen bonding. FEBS LETTERS, 587(11), 1592-1596. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Neumann, J., Klein, N., Schneider, D. (2012). Wie falten Membranproteine? — Schritt für Schritt!?. BIOspektrum, 18(2), 146-148. DOI
Akdogan, Y., Anbazhagan, V., Hinderberger, D., Schneider, D. (2012). Heme Binding Constricts the Conformational Dynamics of the Cytochrome <i>b</i><sub>559</sub>′ Heme Binding Cavity. BIOCHEMISTRY, 51(36), 7149-7156. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Cymer, F., Sanders, C. R., Schneider, D. (2012). Analyzing Oligomerization of Individual Transmembrane Helices and of Entire Membrane Proteins in E. coli: A Hitchhiker’s Guide to GALLEX. 259-276. DOI
Cymer, F., Schneider, D. (2012). Oligomerization of polytopic α-helical membrane proteins: causes and consequences. BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY, 393(11), 1215-1230. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Cymer, F., Veerappan, A., Schneider, D. (2012). Transmembrane helix-helix interactions are modulated by the sequence context and by lipid bilayer properties. BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-BIOMEMBRANES, 1818(4), 963-973. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Schneider, D., Schmitt, L. (2012). Highlight: Membrane transport and beyond. BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY, 393(11), 1201-1202. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Stangl, M., Veerappan, A., Kroeger, A., et al. (2012). Detergent Properties Influence the Stability of the Glycophorin A Transmembrane Helix Dimer in Lysophosphatidylcholine Micelles. BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 103(12), 2455-2464. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Vothknecht, U. C., Otters, S., Hennig, R., Schneider, D. (2012). Vipp1: a very important protein in plastids?!. JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL BOTANY, 63(4), 1699-1712. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Weber, M., Tome, L., Otzen, D., Schneider, D. (2012). A Ser residue influences the structure and stability of a Pro-kinked transmembrane helix dimer. BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-BIOMEMBRANES, 1818(9), 2103-2107. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Barthel, S., Rupprecht, E., Schneider, D. (2011). Thermostability of Two Cyanobacterial GrpE Thermosensors. PLANT AND CELL PHYSIOLOGY, 52(10), 1776-1785. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Dueppre, E., Rupprecht, E., Schneider, D. (2011). Specific and promiscuous functions of multiple DnaJ proteins in <i>Synechocystis</i> sp PCC 6803. MICROBIOLOGY-SGM, 157, 1269-1278. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Veerappan, A., Cymer, F., Klein, N., Schneider, D. (2011). The Tetrameric α-Helical Membrane Protein GlpF Unfolds via a Dimeric Folding Intermediate. BIOCHEMISTRY, 50(47), 10223-10230. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Weber, M., Prodoehl, A., Dreher, C., et al. (2011). SDS-Facilitated <i>In vitro</i> Formation of a Transmembrane B-Type Cytochrome Is Mediated by Changes in Local pH. JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR BIOLOGY, 407(4), 594-606. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Anbazhagan, V., Cymer, F., Schneider, D. (2010). Unfolding a transmembrane helix dimer: A FRET study in mixed micelles. ARCHIVES OF BIOCHEMISTRY AND BIOPHYSICS, 495(2), 159-164. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Anbazhagan, V., Munz, C., Tome, L., Schneider, D. (2010). Fluidizing the Membrane by a Local Anesthetic: Phenylethanol Affects Membrane Protein Oligomerization. JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR BIOLOGY, 404(5), 773-777. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Anbazhagan, V., Schneider, D. (2010). The membrane environment modulates self-association of the human GpA TM domain-Implications for membrane protein folding and transmembrane signaling. BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-BIOMEMBRANES, 1798(10), 1899-1907. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Cymer, F., Schneider, D. (2010). A Single Glutamate Residue Controls the Oligomerization, Function, and Stability of the Aquaglyceroporin GlpF. BIOCHEMISTRY, 49(2), 279-286. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Cymer, F., Schneider, D. (2010). Transmembrane helix-helix interactions involved in ErbB receptor signaling. CELL ADHESION & MIGRATION, 4(2), 299-312. DOI Author/Publisher URL
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Neumann, J., Klein, N., Otzen, D. E., Schneider, D. (2014). Folding energetics and oligomerization of polytopic α-helical transmembrane proteins. ARCHIVES OF BIOCHEMISTRY AND BIOPHYSICS, 564, 281-296. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Schneider, D., Geyer, J., Schmitt, L. (2014). Highlight: Membrane transport on the move. BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY, 395(12), 1363-1364. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Stangl, M., Hemmelmann, M., Allmeroth, M., et al. (2014). A Minimal Hydrophobicity Is Needed To Employ Amphiphilic p(HPMA)-co-p(LMA) Random Copolymers in Membrane Research. BIOCHEMISTRY, 53(9), 1410-1419. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Stangl, M., Unger, S., Keller, S., Schneider, D. (2014). Sequence-specific dimerization of a transmembrane helix in amphipol A8-35. PLoS one, 9(10), e110970. Author/Publisher URL
Tome, L., Schaetzel, C., Dreher, C., Schneider, D. (2014). Fe- but not Mg-protophorphyrin IX binds to a transmembrane b-type cytochrome. MOLECULAR MEMBRANE BIOLOGY, 31(1), 37-45. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Barthel, S., Bernat, G., Seidel, T., et al. (2013). Thylakoid Membrane Maturation and PSII Activation Are Linked in Greening <i>Synechocystis</i> sp PCC 6803 Cells. PLANT PHYSIOLOGY, 163(2), 1037-1046. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Keller, R., Schneider, D. (2013). Homologs of the yeast Tvp38 vesicle-associated protein are conserved in chloroplasts and cyanobacteria. Frontiers in plant science, 2013(4), Art. 467. Author/Publisher URL
Tome, L., Steindorf, D., Schneider, D. (2013). Genetic Systems for Monitoring Interactions of Transmembrane Domains in Bacterial Membranes. MEMBRANE PROTEINS: FOLDING, ASSOCIATION, AND DESIGN, 1063, 57-91. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Veerappan, A., Eichhorn, T., Zeino, M., et al. (2013). Differential interactions of the broad spectrum drugs artemisinin, dihydroartemisinin and artesunate with serum albumin. PHYTOMEDICINE, 20(11), 969-974. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Weber, M., Schneider, D. (2013). Six amino acids define a minimal dimerization sequence and stabilize a transmembrane helix dimer by close packing and hydrogen bonding. FEBS LETTERS, 587(11), 1592-1596. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Neumann, J., Klein, N., Schneider, D. (2012). Wie falten Membranproteine? — Schritt für Schritt!?. BIOspektrum, 18(2), 146-148. DOI
Akdogan, Y., Anbazhagan, V., Hinderberger, D., Schneider, D. (2012). Heme Binding Constricts the Conformational Dynamics of the Cytochrome <i>b</i><sub>559</sub>′ Heme Binding Cavity. BIOCHEMISTRY, 51(36), 7149-7156. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Cymer, F., Sanders, C. R., Schneider, D. (2012). Analyzing Oligomerization of Individual Transmembrane Helices and of Entire Membrane Proteins in E. coli: A Hitchhiker’s Guide to GALLEX. 259-276. DOI
Cymer, F., Schneider, D. (2012). Oligomerization of polytopic α-helical membrane proteins: causes and consequences. BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY, 393(11), 1215-1230. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Cymer, F., Veerappan, A., Schneider, D. (2012). Transmembrane helix-helix interactions are modulated by the sequence context and by lipid bilayer properties. BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-BIOMEMBRANES, 1818(4), 963-973. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Schneider, D., Schmitt, L. (2012). Highlight: Membrane transport and beyond. BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY, 393(11), 1201-1202. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Stangl, M., Veerappan, A., Kroeger, A., et al. (2012). Detergent Properties Influence the Stability of the Glycophorin A Transmembrane Helix Dimer in Lysophosphatidylcholine Micelles. BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 103(12), 2455-2464. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Vothknecht, U. C., Otters, S., Hennig, R., Schneider, D. (2012). Vipp1: a very important protein in plastids?!. JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL BOTANY, 63(4), 1699-1712. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Weber, M., Tome, L., Otzen, D., Schneider, D. (2012). A Ser residue influences the structure and stability of a Pro-kinked transmembrane helix dimer. BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-BIOMEMBRANES, 1818(9), 2103-2107. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Barthel, S., Rupprecht, E., Schneider, D. (2011). Thermostability of Two Cyanobacterial GrpE Thermosensors. PLANT AND CELL PHYSIOLOGY, 52(10), 1776-1785. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Dueppre, E., Rupprecht, E., Schneider, D. (2011). Specific and promiscuous functions of multiple DnaJ proteins in <i>Synechocystis</i> sp PCC 6803. MICROBIOLOGY-SGM, 157, 1269-1278. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Veerappan, A., Cymer, F., Klein, N., Schneider, D. (2011). The Tetrameric α-Helical Membrane Protein GlpF Unfolds via a Dimeric Folding Intermediate. BIOCHEMISTRY, 50(47), 10223-10230. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Weber, M., Prodoehl, A., Dreher, C., et al. (2011). SDS-Facilitated <i>In vitro</i> Formation of a Transmembrane B-Type Cytochrome Is Mediated by Changes in Local pH. JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR BIOLOGY, 407(4), 594-606. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Anbazhagan, V., Cymer, F., Schneider, D. (2010). Unfolding a transmembrane helix dimer: A FRET study in mixed micelles. ARCHIVES OF BIOCHEMISTRY AND BIOPHYSICS, 495(2), 159-164. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Anbazhagan, V., Munz, C., Tome, L., Schneider, D. (2010). Fluidizing the Membrane by a Local Anesthetic: Phenylethanol Affects Membrane Protein Oligomerization. JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR BIOLOGY, 404(5), 773-777. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Anbazhagan, V., Schneider, D. (2010). The membrane environment modulates self-association of the human GpA TM domain-Implications for membrane protein folding and transmembrane signaling. BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-BIOMEMBRANES, 1798(10), 1899-1907. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Cymer, F., Schneider, D. (2010). A Single Glutamate Residue Controls the Oligomerization, Function, and Stability of the Aquaglyceroporin GlpF. BIOCHEMISTRY, 49(2), 279-286. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Cymer, F., Schneider, D. (2010). Transmembrane helix-helix interactions involved in ErbB receptor signaling. CELL ADHESION & MIGRATION, 4(2), 299-312. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Dreher, C., Hielscher, R., Prodoehl, A., et al. (2010). Characterization of two cytochrome <i>b</i><sub>6</sub> proteins from the cyanobacterium <i>Gloeobacter violaceus</i> PCC 7421. JOURNAL OF BIOENERGETICS AND BIOMEMBRANES, 42(6), 517-526. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Fassler, M., Zocher, M., Klare, S., et al. (2010). Masking of Transmembrane-Based Retention Signals Controls ER Export of γ-Secretase. TRAFFIC, 11(2), 250-258. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Rupprecht, E., Dueppre, E., Schneider, D. (2010). Similarities and Singularities of Three DnaK Proteins from the Cyanobacterium <i>Synechocystis</i> sp PCC 6803. PLANT AND CELL PHYSIOLOGY, 51(7), 1210-1218. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Escher, C., Cymer, F., Schneider, D. (2009). Two GxxxG-Like Motifs Facilitate Promiscuous Interactions of the Human ErbB Transmembrane Domains. JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR BIOLOGY, 389(1), 10-16. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Finger, C., Escher, C., Schneider, D. (2009). The Single Transmembrane Domains of Human Receptor Tyrosine Kinases Encode Self-Interactions. SCIENCE SIGNALING, 2(89). DOI Author/Publisher URL
Fuhrmann, E., Bultema, J. B., Kahmann, U., et al. (2009). The Vesicle-inducing Protein 1 from <i>Synechocystis</i> sp PCC 6803 Organizes into Diverse Higher-Ordered Ring Structures. MOLECULAR BIOLOGY OF THE CELL, 20(21), 4620-4628. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Fuhrmann, E., Gathmann, S., Rupprecht, E., et al. (2009). Thylakoid Membrane Reduction Affects the Photosystem Stoichiometry in the Cyanobacterium <i>Synechocystis</i> sp PCC 6803. PLANT PHYSIOLOGY, 149(2), 735-744. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Tsunoyama, Y., Bernat, G., Dyczmons, N. G., et al. (2009). Multiple Rieske Proteins Enable Short- and Long-term Light Adaptation of <i>Synechocystis</i> sp PCC 6803. JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY, 284(41), 27875-27883. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Cymer, F., Schneider, D. (2008). Lessons from viruses: Controlling the function of transmembrane proteins by interfering transmembrane helices. CURRENT MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY, 15(8), 779-785. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Dreher, C., Prodoehl, A., Hielscher, R., et al. (2008). Multiple step assembly of the transmembrane cytochrome <i>b</i><sub>6</sub>. JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR BIOLOGY, 382(4), 1057-1065. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Gathmann, S., Rupprecht, E., Kahmann, U., Schneider, D. (2008). A conserved structure and function of the YidC homologous protein slr1471 from <i>Synechoeystis</i> sp PCC 6803. JOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY, 18(6), 1090-1094. Author/Publisher URL
Dreher, C., Prodoehl, A., Weber, M., Schneider, D. (2007). Heme binding properties of heterologously expressed spinach cytochrome <i>b</i><sub>6</sub>:: Implications for transmembrane <i>b</i>-type cytochrome formation. FEBS LETTERS, 581(14), 2647-2651. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Prodoehl, A., Dreher, C., Hielscher, R., et al. (2007). Heterologous expression and <i>in vitro</i> assembly of the transmembrane cytochrome <i>b</i><sub>6</sub>. PROTEIN EXPRESSION AND PURIFICATION, 56(2), 279-285. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Prodoehl, A., Weber, M., Dreher, C., Schneider, D. (2007). A mutational study of transmembrane helix-helix interactions. BIOCHIMIE, 89(11), 1433-1437. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Rupprecht, E., Gathmann, S., Fuhrmann, E., Schneider, D. (2007). Three different DnaK proteins are functionally expressed in the cyanobacterium <i>Synechocystis</i> sp PCC 6803. MICROBIOLOGY-SGM, 153, 1828-1841. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Schneider, D., Finger, C., Prodoehl, A. (2007). From interactions of single transmembrane helices to folding of α-helical membrane proteins:: Analyzing transmembrane helix-helix interactions in bacteria. CURRENT PROTEIN & PEPTIDE SCIENCE, 8(1), 45-61. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Schneider, D., Fuhrmann, E., Scholz, I., et al. (2007). Fluorescence staining of live cyanobacterial cells suggest non-stringent chromosome segregation and absence of a connection between cytoplasmic and thylakoid membranes. BMC CELL BIOLOGY, 8. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Schneider, D., Volkmer, T., Roegner, M. (2007). PetG and PetN, but not PetL, are essential subunits of the cytochrome <i>b<sub>6</sub>f</i> complex from <i>Synechocystis</i> PCC 6803. RESEARCH IN MICROBIOLOGY, 158(1), 45-50. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Volkmer, T., Schneider, D., Bernat, G., et al. (2007). Ssr2998 of <i>Synechocystis</i> sp PCC 6803 is involved in regulation of cyanobacterial electron transport and associated with the cytochrome <i>b<sub>6</sub>f</i> complex. JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY, 282(6), 3730-3737. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Finger, C., Volkmer, T., Prodoehl, A., et al. (2006). The stability of transmembrane helix interactions measured in a biological membrane. JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR BIOLOGY, 358(5), 1221-1228. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Gathmann, S., Rupprecht, E., Schneider, D. (2006). High level expression of a protein precursor for functional studies. JOURNAL OF BIOCHEMISTRY AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY, 39(6), 717-721. Author/Publisher URL
Volkmer, T., Becker, C., Prodohl, A., et al. (2006). Assembly of a transmembrane b-Type cytochrome is mainly driven by transmembrane helix interactions. BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-BIOMEMBRANES, 1758(11), 1815-1822. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Prodöhl, A., Volkmer, T., Finger, C., Schneider, D. (2005). Defining the structural basis for assembly of a transmembrane cytochrome. JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR BIOLOGY, 350(4), 744-756. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Schneider, D., Schmidt, C. L. (2005). Multiple Rieske proteins in prokaryotes: Where and why?. BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-BIOENERGETICS, 1710(1), 1-12. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Wenk, S. O., Schneider, D., Boronowsky, U., et al. (2005). Functional implications of pigments bound to a cyanobacterial cytochrome <i>b</i><sub>6</sub><i>f</i> complex. FEBS JOURNAL, 272(2), 582-592. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Schneider, D. (2004). Rendezvous in a membrane: close packing, hydrogen bonding, and the formation of transmembrane helix oligomers. FEBS LETTERS, 577(1-2), 5-8. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Schneider, D., Berry, S., Volkmer, T., et al. (2004). PetC1 is the major Rieske iron-sulfur protein in the cytochrome <i>b</i><sub>6</sub><i>f</i> complex of <i>Synechocystis</i> sp PCC 6803. JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY, 279(38), 39383-39388. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Schneider, D., Engelman, D. M. (2004). Involvement of transmembrane domain interactions in signal transduction by α/β integrins. JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY, 279(11), 9840-9846. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Schneider, D., Engelman, D. M. (2004). Motifs of two small residues can assist but are not sufficient to mediate transmembrane helix interactions. JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR BIOLOGY, 343(4), 799-804. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Schneider, D., Engelman, D. M. (2003). GALLEX, a measurement of heterologous association of transmembrane helices in a biological membrane. JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY, 278(5), 3105-3111. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Berry, S., Schneider, D., Vermaas, W. F. J., Rögner, M. (2002). Electron transport routes in whole cells of <i>Synechocystis</i> sp strain PCC 6803:: The role of the cytochrome <i>bd</i>-type oxidase. BIOCHEMISTRY, 41(10), 3422-3429. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Schneider, D., Liu, Y., Gerstein, M., Engelman, D. M. (2002). Thermostability of membrane protein helix-helix interaction elucidated by statistical analysis. FEBS LETTERS, 532(1-2), 231-236. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Schneider, D., Skrzypczak, S., Anemüller, S., et al. (2002). Heterogeneous Rieske proteins in the cytochrome <i>b</i><sub>6</sub><i>f</i> complex of <i>Synechocystis</i> PCC6803?. JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY, 277(13), 10949-10954. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Boronowsky, U., Wenk, S. O., Schneider, D., et al. (2001). Isolation of membrane protein subunits in their native state:: evidence for selective binding of chlorophyll and carotenoid to the <i>b<sub>6</sub></i> subunit of the cytochrome <i>b<sub>6</sub>f</i> complex. BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-BIOENERGETICS, 1506(1), 55-66. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Schneider, D., Berry, S., Rich, P., et al. (2001). A regulatory role of the PetM subunit in a cyanobacterial cytochrome <i>b</i><sub>6</sub><i>f</i> complex. JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY, 276(20), 16780-16785. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Schneider, D., Altenfeld, U., Thomas, H., et al. (2000). Sequence of the two operons encoding the four core subunits of the cytochrome <i>b<sub>6</sub>f</i> complex from the thermophilic cyanobacterium <i>Synechococcus elongatus</i>. BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-GENE STRUCTURE AND EXPRESSION, 1491(1-3), 364-368. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Schneider, D., Jaschkowitz, K., Seidler, A., Rögner, M. (2000). Overexpression and reconstitution of a Rieske iron-sulfur protein from the cyanobacterium <i>Synechocystis</i> PCC 6803. INDIAN JOURNAL OF BIOCHEMISTRY & BIOPHYSICS, 37(6), 441-446. Author/Publisher URL
Mater, V., Eisner, S., Seidel, C., Schneider, D. The Peripherally Membrane-Attached Protein MbFACL6 of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Activates a Broad Spectrum of Substrates. SSRN Electronic Journal. Accepted. DOI
Schneider, D., Schmidt, C. L., Seidler, A. Expression of Membrane-Bound Iron-Sulfur Proteins. 37-48. DOI
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Sobania, D., und Rothlauf, F. (2020). Challenges of Program Synthesis with Grammatical Evolution. Proceedings of 23rd European Conference on Genetic Programming, 211-227. DOI
Sobania, D., und Rothlauf, F. (2019). Teaching GP to program like a human software developer: Using Perplexity Pressure to Guide Program Synthesis Approaches. GECCO ’19: Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, 1065-1074. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Schweim, D., und Rothlauf, F. (2018). An Analysis of the Bias of Variation Operators of Estimation of Distribution Programming. GECCO’18: PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2018 GENETIC AND EVOLUTIONARY COMPUTATION CONFERENCE, 1191-1198. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Sobania, D., und Rothlauf, F. (2018). CovSel: A new approach for ensemble selection applied to symbolic regression problems. In H. E. Aguirre und K. Takadama (Hrsg.), GECCO ’18: Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (S. 529-536). ACM. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Henkel, A., Sulpizi, M., Soennichsen, C., et al. (2016). The role of halide ions in the anisotropic growth of gold nanoparticles: a microscopic, atomistic perspective. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. DOI
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Osten, V., Oepen, K., Schneider, D. (2025). The C-terminal α-helix is crucial for the activity of the bacterial ABC transporter BmrA. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 301(2), 108098-108098. DOI
Junglas, B., Hudina, E., Schönnenbeck, P., et al. (2024). Structural plasticity of bacterial ESCRT-III protein PspA in higher-order assemblies. In Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. DOI
Junglas, B., Kartte, D., Kutzner, M., et al. (2024). Structural basis for Vipp1 membrane binding: From loose coats and carpets to ring and rod assemblies. In Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. DOI
Joerg, M., Plehn, J. E., Kristen, M., et al. (2024). N1-methylation of adenosine (m1A) in ND5 mRNA leads to complex I dysfunction in Alzheimer’s disease. MOLECULAR PSYCHIATRY. Published. DOI Author/Publisher URL
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Osten, V., Oepen, K., Schneider, D. (2025). The C-terminal α-helix is crucial for the activity of the bacterial ABC transporter BmrA. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 301(2), 108098-108098. DOI
Joerg, M., Plehn, J. E., Kristen, M., et al. (2024). N1-methylation of adenosine (m1A) in ND5 mRNA leads to complex I dysfunction in Alzheimer’s disease. MOLECULAR PSYCHIATRY. Published. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Junglas, B., Gewehr, L., Mernberger, L., et al. (2024). Structural basis for GTPase activity and conformational changes of the bacterial dynamin-like protein <i>Syn</i>DLP. CELL REPORTS, 43(9). DOI Author/Publisher URL
Junglas, B., Hudina, E., Schoennenbeck, P., et al. (2024). Structural plasticity of bacterial ESCRT-III protein PspA in higher-order assemblies. NATURE STRUCTURAL & MOLECULAR BIOLOGY. Published. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Junglas, B., Kartte, D., Kutzner, M., et al. (2024). Structural basis for Vipp1 membrane binding: from loose coats and carpets to ring and rod assemblies. NATURE STRUCTURAL & MOLECULAR BIOLOGY. Published. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Pohland, A.-C., Bernat, G., Geimer, S., Schneider, D. (2024). Mg<SUP>2+</SUP> limitation leads to a decrease in chlorophyll, resulting in an unbalanced photosynthetic apparatus in the cyanobacterium <i>Synechocytis</i> sp. PCC6803. PHOTOSYNTHESIS RESEARCH, 162(1), 13-27. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Quarta, N., Bhandari, T. R., Girard, M., et al. (2024). Monomer unfolding of a bacterial ESCRT-III superfamily member is coupled to oligomer disassembly. PROTEIN SCIENCE, 33(11). DOI Author/Publisher URL
Bessler, L., Vogt, L., Lander, M., et al. (2023). Ein neues bakterielles, von Adenosin abgeleitetes Nukleosid als Beispiel für RNA‐Modifikationsschäden. Angewandte Chemie, 135(11). DOI
Gewehr, L., Junglas, B., Jilly, R., et al. (2023). SynDLP is a dynamin-like protein of Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 with eukaryotic features. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, 14(1). DOI Author/Publisher URL
Oepen, K., Mater, V., Schneider, D. (2023). Unfolding Individual Domains of BmrA, a Bacterial ABC Transporter Involved in Multidrug Resistance. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES, 24(6). DOI Author/Publisher URL
Schloesser, L., Sachse, C., Low, H. H., Schneider, D. (2023). Conserved structures of ESCRT-III superfamily members across domains of life. TRENDS IN BIOCHEMICAL SCIENCES, 48(11), 993-1004. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Siebenaller, C., Schneider, D. (2023). Cyanobacterial membrane dynamics in the light of eukaryotic principles. BIOSCIENCE REPORTS, 43(2). DOI Author/Publisher URL
Ahlswede, L., Siebenaller, C., Junglas, B., et al. (2022). Human Claudin-7 <i>cis</i>-Interactions Are Not Crucial for Membrane-Membrane (<i>Trans</i>-) Interactions. FRONTIERS IN MOLECULAR BIOSCIENCES, 9. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Hellmann, N., Schneider, D. (2022). Hydrophobic mismatch and sequence specificity compete when transmembrane helix-helix interactions are measured with the TOXCAT assay. FRONTIERS IN CHEMISTRY, 10. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Junglas, B., Axt, A., Siebenaller, C., et al. (2022). Membrane destabilization and pore formation induced by the Synechocystis IM30 protein. BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 121(18), 3411-3421. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Kleinwächter, I., Mohr, B., Joppe, A., et al. (2022). CLiB - a novel cardiolipin-binder isolated via data-driven and in vitro screening. RSC Chemical Biology, 3(7), 941-954. DOI
Mater, V., Eisner, S., Seidel, C., Schneider, D. (2022). The Peripherally Membrane-attached Protein MbFACL6 of<i> Mycobacterium</i><i> tuberculosis</i> Activates a Broad Spectrum of Substrates. JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR BIOLOGY, 434(22). DOI Author/Publisher URL
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Gathmann, S., Rupprecht, E., Kahmann, U., Schneider, D. (2008). A conserved structure and function of the YidC homologous protein slr1471 from <i>Synechoeystis</i> sp PCC 6803. JOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY, 18(6), 1090-1094. Author/Publisher URL
Dreher, C., Prodoehl, A., Weber, M., Schneider, D. (2007). Heme binding properties of heterologously expressed spinach cytochrome <i>b</i><sub>6</sub>:: Implications for transmembrane <i>b</i>-type cytochrome formation. FEBS LETTERS, 581(14), 2647-2651. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Prodoehl, A., Dreher, C., Hielscher, R., et al. (2007). Heterologous expression and <i>in vitro</i> assembly of the transmembrane cytochrome <i>b</i><sub>6</sub>. PROTEIN EXPRESSION AND PURIFICATION, 56(2), 279-285. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Prodoehl, A., Weber, M., Dreher, C., Schneider, D. (2007). A mutational study of transmembrane helix-helix interactions. BIOCHIMIE, 89(11), 1433-1437. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Rupprecht, E., Gathmann, S., Fuhrmann, E., Schneider, D. (2007). Three different DnaK proteins are functionally expressed in the cyanobacterium <i>Synechocystis</i> sp PCC 6803. MICROBIOLOGY-SGM, 153, 1828-1841. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Schneider, D., Finger, C., Prodoehl, A. (2007). From interactions of single transmembrane helices to folding of α-helical membrane proteins:: Analyzing transmembrane helix-helix interactions in bacteria. CURRENT PROTEIN & PEPTIDE SCIENCE, 8(1), 45-61. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Schneider, D., Fuhrmann, E., Scholz, I., et al. (2007). Fluorescence staining of live cyanobacterial cells suggest non-stringent chromosome segregation and absence of a connection between cytoplasmic and thylakoid membranes. BMC CELL BIOLOGY, 8. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Schneider, D., Volkmer, T., Roegner, M. (2007). PetG and PetN, but not PetL, are essential subunits of the cytochrome <i>b<sub>6</sub>f</i> complex from <i>Synechocystis</i> PCC 6803. RESEARCH IN MICROBIOLOGY, 158(1), 45-50. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Volkmer, T., Schneider, D., Bernat, G., et al. (2007). Ssr2998 of <i>Synechocystis</i> sp PCC 6803 is involved in regulation of cyanobacterial electron transport and associated with the cytochrome <i>b<sub>6</sub>f</i> complex. JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY, 282(6), 3730-3737. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Finger, C., Volkmer, T., Prodoehl, A., et al. (2006). The stability of transmembrane helix interactions measured in a biological membrane. JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR BIOLOGY, 358(5), 1221-1228. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Gathmann, S., Rupprecht, E., Schneider, D. (2006). High level expression of a protein precursor for functional studies. JOURNAL OF BIOCHEMISTRY AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY, 39(6), 717-721. Author/Publisher URL
Volkmer, T., Becker, C., Prodohl, A., et al. (2006). Assembly of a transmembrane b-Type cytochrome is mainly driven by transmembrane helix interactions. BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-BIOMEMBRANES, 1758(11), 1815-1822. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Prodöhl, A., Volkmer, T., Finger, C., Schneider, D. (2005). Defining the structural basis for assembly of a transmembrane cytochrome. JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR BIOLOGY, 350(4), 744-756. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Schneider, D., Schmidt, C. L. (2005). Multiple Rieske proteins in prokaryotes: Where and why?. BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-BIOENERGETICS, 1710(1), 1-12. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Wenk, S. O., Schneider, D., Boronowsky, U., et al. (2005). Functional implications of pigments bound to a cyanobacterial cytochrome <i>b</i><sub>6</sub><i>f</i> complex. FEBS JOURNAL, 272(2), 582-592. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Schneider, D. (2004). Rendezvous in a membrane: close packing, hydrogen bonding, and the formation of transmembrane helix oligomers. FEBS LETTERS, 577(1-2), 5-8. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Schneider, D., Berry, S., Volkmer, T., et al. (2004). PetC1 is the major Rieske iron-sulfur protein in the cytochrome <i>b</i><sub>6</sub><i>f</i> complex of <i>Synechocystis</i> sp PCC 6803. JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY, 279(38), 39383-39388. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Schneider, D., Engelman, D. M. (2004). Involvement of transmembrane domain interactions in signal transduction by α/β integrins. JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY, 279(11), 9840-9846. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Schneider, D., Engelman, D. M. (2004). Motifs of two small residues can assist but are not sufficient to mediate transmembrane helix interactions. JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR BIOLOGY, 343(4), 799-804. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Schneider, D., Engelman, D. M. (2003). GALLEX, a measurement of heterologous association of transmembrane helices in a biological membrane. JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY, 278(5), 3105-3111. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Berry, S., Schneider, D., Vermaas, W. F. J., Rögner, M. (2002). Electron transport routes in whole cells of <i>Synechocystis</i> sp strain PCC 6803:: The role of the cytochrome <i>bd</i>-type oxidase. BIOCHEMISTRY, 41(10), 3422-3429. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Schneider, D., Liu, Y., Gerstein, M., Engelman, D. M. (2002). Thermostability of membrane protein helix-helix interaction elucidated by statistical analysis. FEBS LETTERS, 532(1-2), 231-236. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Schneider, D., Skrzypczak, S., Anemüller, S., et al. (2002). Heterogeneous Rieske proteins in the cytochrome <i>b</i><sub>6</sub><i>f</i> complex of <i>Synechocystis</i> PCC6803?. JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY, 277(13), 10949-10954. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Boronowsky, U., Wenk, S. O., Schneider, D., et al. (2001). Isolation of membrane protein subunits in their native state:: evidence for selective binding of chlorophyll and carotenoid to the <i>b<sub>6</sub></i> subunit of the cytochrome <i>b<sub>6</sub>f</i> complex. BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-BIOENERGETICS, 1506(1), 55-66. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Schneider, D., Berry, S., Rich, P., et al. (2001). A regulatory role of the PetM subunit in a cyanobacterial cytochrome <i>b</i><sub>6</sub><i>f</i> complex. JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY, 276(20), 16780-16785. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Schneider, D., Altenfeld, U., Thomas, H., et al. (2000). Sequence of the two operons encoding the four core subunits of the cytochrome <i>b<sub>6</sub>f</i> complex from the thermophilic cyanobacterium <i>Synechococcus elongatus</i>. BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-GENE STRUCTURE AND EXPRESSION, 1491(1-3), 364-368. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Schneider, D., Jaschkowitz, K., Seidler, A., Rögner, M. (2000). Overexpression and reconstitution of a Rieske iron-sulfur protein from the cyanobacterium <i>Synechocystis</i> PCC 6803. INDIAN JOURNAL OF BIOCHEMISTRY & BIOPHYSICS, 37(6), 441-446. Author/Publisher URL
Mater, V., Eisner, S., Seidel, C., Schneider, D. The Peripherally Membrane-Attached Protein MbFACL6 of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Activates a Broad Spectrum of Substrates. SSRN Electronic Journal. Accepted. DOI
Schneider, D., Schmidt, C. L., Seidler, A. Expression of Membrane-Bound Iron-Sulfur Proteins. 37-48. DOI
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Vef, M.-A., Steiner, R., Salkhordeh, R., et al. (2020). DelveFS - An Event-Driven Semantic File System for Object Stores. 2020 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (CLUSTER), 35-46. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Oeste, S., Vef, M.-A., Soysal, M., et al. (2020). ADA-FS - Advanced Data Placement via Ad hoc File Systems at Extreme Scales. In Software for Exascale Computing - SPPEXA 2016-2019 (Bde. 136, S. 29-59). Springer International Publishing. DOI
Brinkmann, A., Yu, K. M. and W., Carns, P., et al. (2020). Ad Hoc File Systems for High-Performance Computing. Journal of Computer Science and Technology (JCST), 35(1), 4-26. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Vef, M.-A., Moti, N., Süß, T., et al. (2020). GekkoFS - A Temporary Burst Buffer File System for HPC Applications. Journal of Computer Science and Technology (JCST), 35(1), 72-91. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Brinkmann, A., Karl, W., Lankes, S., … Trinitis, C. (Hrsg.). (2020). Architecture of Computing Systems - ARCS 2020 - 33rd International Conference, Aachen, Germany, May 25-28, 2020, Proceedings. 12155. DOI
Cheng, W., Cai, R., Zeng, L., et al. (2020). IMCI: an efficient fingerprint retrieval approach based on 3D stacked memory. Sci. China Inf. Sci., 63. DOI
Cheng, W., Guo, T., Zeng, L., et al. (2020). Improving LSM-trie performance by parallel search. Software: Practice and Experience, 50, 1952-1965. DOI
Santiago-Duran, M., Gonzalez-Compean, J. L., Brinkmann, A., et al. (2020). A gearbox model for processing large volumes of data by using pipeline systems encapsulated into virtual containers. Future Generation Computer Systems, 106, 304-319. Author/Publisher URL
Salkhordeh, R., Brinkmann, A. (2019, Dezember 17). Online Management of Hybrid DRAM-NVMM Memory for HPC. 26th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing, Data and Analytics (HiPC). IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing, Data and Analytics (HiPC), Hyderabad, India. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Oliveira, D., Brinkmann, A., Rosa, N., Maciel, P. (2019). Performability Evaluation and Optimization of Workflow Applications in Cloud Environments. Journal of Grid Computing, 17(4), 749-770. DOI
Baumgartner, M., Sagebaum, M., Gauger, N. R., et al. (2019). Algorithmic Differentiation for Cloud Schemes. Geoscientific Model Development Discussions, 1-23. DOI
Baumgartner, M., Sagebaum, M., Gauger, N. R., et al. (2019). Algorithmic differentiation for cloud schemes (IFS Cy43r3) using CoDiPack (v1.8.1). GEOSCIENTIFIC MODEL DEVELOPMENT, 12(12), 5197-5212. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Kremer, K., Brinkmann, A. (2019). FADaC: a self-adapting data classifier for flash memory. Proceedings of the 12th ACM International Conference on Systems and Storage (SYSTOR), 167-178. DOI
Mäsker, M., Süß, T., Nagel, L., et al. (2019). Hyperion: Building the Largest In-memory Search Tree. Proceedings of the 2019 ACM International Conference on Management of Data (SIGMOD), 1207-1222. DOI
Oliveira, D., Dantas, J., Rosa, N., et al. (2019). A dependability and cost optimisation method for private cloud infrastructures. International Journal of Web and Grid Services (IJWGS), 15, 367-393. DOI
Qian, Y., Li, X., Ihara, S., et al. (2019). LPCC: hierarchical persistent client caching for lustre. Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC), 88:1-88:14. DOI
Soysal, M., Berghoff, M., Zirwes, T., et al. (2019). Using On-Demand File Systems in HPC Environments. 17th International Conference on High Performance Computing and Simulation (HPCS), Dublin, Ireland, July 15-19.
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Tarraf, A., Schreiber, M., Cascajo, A., et al. (2024). Malleability in Modern HPC Systems: Current Experiences, Challenges, and Future Opportunities. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS, 35(9), 1551-1564. DOI Author/Publisher URL
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Moti, N., Brinkmann, A., Vef, M.-A., et al. (2023, November 12). The I/O Trace Initiative: Building a Collaborative I/O Archive to Advance HPC. Proceedings of the SC ’23 Workshops of The International Conference on High Performance Computing, Network, Storage, and Analysis. Published. SC-W 2023: Workshops of The International Conference on High Performance Computing, Network, Storage, and Analysis. DOI Author/Publisher URL
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Vance, J., Xu, Z.-H., Tretyakov, N., et al. (2023). Code modernization strategies for short-range non-bonded molecular dynamics simulations. Computer Physics Communications, 290, 108760-108760. DOI
Carretero, J., Garcia-Blas, J., Aldinucci, M., et al. (2023). Adaptive multi-tier intelligent data manager for Exascale. Proceedings of the 20th ACM International Conference on Computing Frontiers {CF}, Bologna, Italy, May 9-11, 285-290. DOI
Dai, H., Wu, J., Brinkmann, A., Wang, Y. (2023). Neighborhood-Oriented Decentralized Learning Communication in Multi-Agent System. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science (S. 490-502). Springer Nature Switzerland. DOI
Qian, Y., Cheng, W., Zeng, L., et al. (2023). Xfast: Extreme File Attribute Stat Acceleration for Lustre. Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC), Denver, CO, USA, November 12-17, 96:1-96:12. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Vef, M.-A., Miranda, A., Nou, R., Brinkmann, A. (2023). From Static to Malleable: Improving Flexibility and Compatibility in Burst Buffer File Systems. 2nd International Workshop on Malleability Techniques Applications in High-Performance Computing (HPCMall). Author/Publisher URL
Cheng, W., Zheng, T., Zeng, L., et al. (2022). DPLFS: A Dual-Mode PCM-based Log-Structured File System. 2022 IEEE 40th International Conference on Computer Design (ICCD), 324-331. DOI
Moti, N., Salkhordeh, R., Brinkmann, A. (2022). Protected Functions: User Space Privileged Function Calls. Proceedings of the 35th International Conference on the Architecture of Computing Systems (ARCS), Heilbronn, Germany, September 13-15, 117-131. Author/Publisher URL
Althaus, E., Berenbrink, P., Brinkmann, A., Steiner, R. (2022). On the Optimality of the Greedy Garbage Collection Strategy for SSDs. Proceedings of the 42nd IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS), 78-88. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Ajdari, M., Raaf, P., Kishani, M., et al. (2022). An Enterprise-Grade Open-Source Data Reduction Architecture for All-Flash Storage Systems. Proc. ACM Meas. Anal. Comput. Syst., 6. DOI
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Schimmelpfennig, F., Vef, M.-A., Salkhordeh, R., et al. (2021). Streamlining distributed Deep Learning I/O with ad hoc file systems. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (CLUSTER), 169-180. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Krauter, N., Raaf, P., Braam, P., et al. (2021). Persistent Software Transactional Memory in Haskell. Proc. ACM Program. Lang., 5. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Frank, A., Baumgartner, M., Salkhordeh, R., Brinkmann, A. (2021). Improving checkpointing intervals by considering individual job failure probabilities. 35th IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS), 209-309. DOI
Berenbrink, P., Brinkmann, A., Elsäßer, R., et al. (2021). Randomized renaming in shared memory systems. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 150, 112-120. DOI
Cheng, W., Li, C., Zeng, L., et al. (2021). NVMM-Oriented Hierarchical Persistent Client Caching for Lustre. ACM Transactions on Storage, 17, 6:1-6:22. DOI
Süß, T., Nagel, L., Vef, M.-A., et al. (2021). Pure Functions in C: A Small Keyword for Automatic Parallelization. Int. J. Parallel Program., 49, 1-24. DOI
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Vance, J., Xu, Z.-H., Tretyakov, N., et al. (2021). Code modernization strategies for short-range non-bonded molecular dynamics simulations. CoRR, abs/2109.10876. Author/Publisher URL
Moti, N., Schimmelpfennig, F., Salkhordeh, R., et al. Simurgh: A Fully Decentralized and Secure NVMM User SpaceFile System. Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC). International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC), St. Louis. MO, USA. Author/Publisher URL
Salkhordeh, R., Kremer, K., Nagel, L., et al. Constant Time Garbage Collection in SSDs. 15th International Conference on Networking, Architecture, and Storage (NAS). 15th International Conference on Networking, Architecture, and Storage (NAS), Riverside, CA, USA. Author/Publisher URL
Vef, M.-A., Steiner, R., Salkhordeh, R., et al. (2020). DelveFS - An Event-Driven Semantic File System for Object Stores. 2020 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (CLUSTER), 35-46. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Oeste, S., Vef, M.-A., Soysal, M., et al. (2020). ADA-FS - Advanced Data Placement via Ad hoc File Systems at Extreme Scales. In Software for Exascale Computing - SPPEXA 2016-2019 (Bde. 136, S. 29-59). Springer International Publishing. DOI
Brinkmann, A., Yu, K. M. and W., Carns, P., et al. (2020). Ad Hoc File Systems for High-Performance Computing. Journal of Computer Science and Technology (JCST), 35(1), 4-26. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Vef, M.-A., Moti, N., Süß, T., et al. (2020). GekkoFS - A Temporary Burst Buffer File System for HPC Applications. Journal of Computer Science and Technology (JCST), 35(1), 72-91. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Brinkmann, A., Karl, W., Lankes, S., … Trinitis, C. (Hrsg.). (2020). Architecture of Computing Systems - ARCS 2020 - 33rd International Conference, Aachen, Germany, May 25-28, 2020, Proceedings. 12155. DOI
Cheng, W., Cai, R., Zeng, L., et al. (2020). IMCI: an efficient fingerprint retrieval approach based on 3D stacked memory. Sci. China Inf. Sci., 63. DOI
Cheng, W., Guo, T., Zeng, L., et al. (2020). Improving LSM-trie performance by parallel search. Software: Practice and Experience, 50, 1952-1965. DOI
Santiago-Duran, M., Gonzalez-Compean, J. L., Brinkmann, A., et al. (2020). A gearbox model for processing large volumes of data by using pipeline systems encapsulated into virtual containers. Future Generation Computer Systems, 106, 304-319. Author/Publisher URL
Salkhordeh, R., Brinkmann, A. (2019, Dezember 17). Online Management of Hybrid DRAM-NVMM Memory for HPC. 26th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing, Data and Analytics (HiPC). IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing, Data and Analytics (HiPC), Hyderabad, India. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Oliveira, D., Brinkmann, A., Rosa, N., Maciel, P. (2019). Performability Evaluation and Optimization of Workflow Applications in Cloud Environments. Journal of Grid Computing, 17(4), 749-770. DOI
Baumgartner, M., Sagebaum, M., Gauger, N. R., et al. (2019). Algorithmic Differentiation for Cloud Schemes. Geoscientific Model Development Discussions, 1-23. DOI
Baumgartner, M., Sagebaum, M., Gauger, N. R., et al. (2019). Algorithmic differentiation for cloud schemes (IFS Cy43r3) using CoDiPack (v1.8.1). GEOSCIENTIFIC MODEL DEVELOPMENT, 12(12), 5197-5212. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Kremer, K., Brinkmann, A. (2019). FADaC: a self-adapting data classifier for flash memory. Proceedings of the 12th ACM International Conference on Systems and Storage (SYSTOR), 167-178. DOI
Mäsker, M., Süß, T., Nagel, L., et al. (2019). Hyperion: Building the Largest In-memory Search Tree. Proceedings of the 2019 ACM International Conference on Management of Data (SIGMOD), 1207-1222. DOI
Oliveira, D., Dantas, J., Rosa, N., et al. (2019). A dependability and cost optimisation method for private cloud infrastructures. International Journal of Web and Grid Services (IJWGS), 15, 367-393. DOI
Qian, Y., Li, X., Ihara, S., et al. (2019). LPCC: hierarchical persistent client caching for lustre. Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC), 88:1-88:14. DOI
Soysal, M., Berghoff, M., Zirwes, T., et al. (2019). Using On-Demand File Systems in HPC Environments. 17th International Conference on High Performance Computing and Simulation (HPCS), Dublin, Ireland, July 15-19.
Frank, A., Süß, T., Brinkmann, A. Effects and benefits of node sharing strategies in HPC batch systems. Proceedings of the 33rd IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS), 43-53. DOI
Frank, A., Yang, D., Süß, T., et al. Reducing False Node Failure Predictions in HPC. 26th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing, Data and Analytics (HiPC). IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing, Data and Analytics (HiPC), Hyderabad, India. DOI
Gad, R., Pickartz, S., Süß, T., et al. (2018). Zeroing memory deallocator to reduce checkpoint sizes in virtualized HPC environments. The Journal of Supercomputing, 74(11), 6236-6257. DOI
Althaus, E., Brinkmann, A., Kling, P., et al. (2018). Scheduling shared continuous resources on many-cores. Journal of Scheduling, 21, 77-92. DOI
Yadgar, G., Yaakobi, E., Margaglia, F., et al. (2018). An Analysis of Flash Page Reuse With WOM Codes. ACM Transactions on Storage (ToS), 14, 10:1-10:39. DOI
Nagel, L., Süß, T., Kremer, K., et al. (2018). Time-efficient Garbage Collection in SSDs. CoRR, abs/1807.09313. Author/Publisher URL
Süß, T., Döring, N., Brinkmann, A., Nagel, L. (2018). And Now for Something Completely Different: Running Lisp on GPUs. IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (CLUSTER), 434-444. DOI
Süß, T., Kaya, T., Mäsker, M., Brinkmann, A. (2018). Deduplication Analyses of Multimedia System Images. USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Edge Computing (HotEdge). USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Edge Computing (HotEdge), Boston, MA, USA. Author/Publisher URL
Vef, M.-A., Moti, N., Süß, T., et al. (2018). GekkoFS - A Temporary Distributed File System for HPC Applications. IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (CLUSTER), Belfast, UK, September 10-13, 319-324. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Vef, M.-A., Tarasov, V., Hildebrand, D., Brinkmann, A. (2018). Challenges and Solutions for Tracing Storage Systems: A Case Study with Spectrum Scale. ACM Transactions on Storage (ToS), 14, 18:1-18:24. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Brinkmann, A., Kaiser, J., Löwer, M., et al. (2017). Secure Genome Processing in Public Cloud and HPC Environments. Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Science Gateways (IWSG). International Workshop on Science Gateways (IWSG), Poznań, Poland. Author/Publisher URL
Brinkmann, A., Mohror, K. M., Yu, W. (2017). Challenges and Opportunities of User-Level File Systems for HPC (Dagstuhl Seminar 17202). Dagstuhl Reports, 7, 97-139.
Congiu, G., Grawinkel, M., Padua, F., et al. (2017). MERCURY: A Transparent Guided I/O Framework for High Performance I/O Stacks. Proceedings of the 25th Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-based Processing (PDP), 46-53.
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Süß, T., Nagel, L., Vef, M.-A., et al. (2017). Pure Functions in C: A Small Keyword for Automatic Parallelization. 2017 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (CLUSTER), 552-556. DOI
Trinitis, C., Weidendorfer, J., Brinkmann, A. (2017). Co-Scheduling: Prospects and Challenges. CO-SCHEDULING OF HPC APPLICATIONS, 28, 1-11. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Congiu, G., Narasimhamurthy, S., Suess, T., Brinkmann, A. (2016). Improving Collective I/O Performance Using Non-Volatile Memory Devices. 2016 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CLUSTER COMPUTING (CLUSTER), 120-129. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Gad, R., Pickartz, S., Süß, T., et al. (2016). Accelerating Application Migration in HPC. Proceedings of the 11th Workshop on Virtualization in High-Performance Cloud Computing (VHPC) held in conjunction with the International Supercomputing Conference (ISC), 663-673. DOI
Grawinkel, M., Nagel, L., Brinkmann, A. (2016). LoneStar RAID: Massive Array of Offline Disks for Archival Systems. ACM TRANSACTIONS ON STORAGE, 12(1). DOI Author/Publisher URL
Kaiser, J., Gad, R., Süß, T., et al. (2016). Deduplication potential of HPC applications’ checkpoints. Seiten: 413-422. Author/Publisher URL
Kaiser, J., Süß, T., Nagel, L., Brinkmann, A. (2016). Sorted deduplication : how to process thousands of backup streams. Seiten: 1-14. Author/Publisher URL
Lensing, P. H., Cortes, T., Huges, J., Brinkmann, A. (2016). File system scalability with highly decentralized metadata on independent storage devices. Seiten: 366-375. Author/Publisher URL
Margaglia, F., Yadgar, G., Yaakobi, E., et al. (2016). The devil is in the details : implementing flash page reuse with WOM codes. Seiten: 95-109.
Masker, M., Nagel, L., Suess, T., et al. (2016). Simulation and Performance Analysis of the ECMWF Tape Library System. SC ’16: PROCEEDINGS OF THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE FOR HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING, NETWORKING, STORAGE AND ANALYSIS, 252-263. Author/Publisher URL
Mäsker, M., Nagel, L., Brinkmann, A., et al. (2016). Smart Grid-aware scheduling in data centres. Computer communications, 96, Seiten: 73-85. Author/Publisher URL
Süß, T., Döring, N., Gad, R., et al. (2016). Impact of the scheduling strategy in heterogeneous systems that provide co-scheduling (C. Trinitis, Hrsg.; S. Seiten: 37-42). München:TUM library. Author/Publisher URL
Süß, T., Döring, N., Gad, R., et al. (2016). VarySched : a framework for variable scheduling in heterogeneous environments. Seiten: 489-492. Author/Publisher URL
Margaglia, F., Brinkmann, A. (2015). Improving MLC flash performance and endurance with extended P/E cycles. 2015 31st Symposium on Mass Storage Systems and Technologies (MSST), 1-12. DOI
Grawinkel, M., Nagel, L., Mäsker, M., et al. (2015). Analysis of the ECMWF Storage Landscape. Proceedings of the 13th USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies (FAST), 15-27. Author/Publisher URL
Berenbrink, P., Brinkmann, A., Elsässer, R., et al. (2015). Randomized renaming in shared memory systems. Seiten: 542-549. Author/Publisher URL
Grawinkel, M., Mardaus, M., Süß, T., Brinkmann, A. (2015). Evaluation of a hash-compress-encrypt pipeline for storage system applications. Seiten: 355-356. Author/Publisher URL
Herres-Pawlis, S., Hoffmann, A., Balaské, Ákos, et al. (2015). Quantum chemical meta-workflows in MoSGrid. Concurrency and computation, 27(2), Seiten: 344-357. Author/Publisher URL
Kaiser, J., Brinkmann, A., Süß, T., Meister, D. (2015). Deriving and comparing deduplication techniques using a model-based classification. Art. 11. Author/Publisher URL
Mäsker, M., Nagel, L., Brinkmann, A., et al. (2015). Smart grid-aware scheduling in data centres. Seiten: 1-9. Author/Publisher URL
Queralt, A., Martí, J., Baars, H., et al. (2015). Fusing Storage and Computing for the Domain of Business Intelligence and Analytics - Research Opportunities (T. X. Bui, Hrsg.; S. Seiten: 4752-4761). Piscataway, NJ:IEEE. Author/Publisher URL
Wu, J., Narayanan, K., Nagel, L., et al. (2015). Building a medical research cloud in the EASI-CLOUDS project. Concurrency and computation, 27(16), Seiten: 4465-4477. Author/Publisher URL
Berenbrink, P., Brinkmann, A., Friedetzky, T., Nagel, L. (2014). Balls into non-uniform bins. Journal of parallel and distributed computing, 74(2), Seiten: 2065-2076. Author/Publisher URL
Brinkmann, A., Kling, P., Meyer auf der Heide, F., et al. (2014). Scheduling shared continuous resources on many-cores (G. Blelloch, Hrsg.; S. Seiten: 128-137). New York, NY:ACM. Author/Publisher URL
Congiu, G., Grawinkel, M., Padua, F., et al. (2014). Optimizing scientific file {I/O} patterns using advice based knowledge. Seiten: 282-283. Author/Publisher URL
Fiehe, C., Litvina, A., Tonn, J., et al. (2014). Building a medical research cloud in the EASI-CLOUDS project. Seiten: 36-41. Author/Publisher URL
Gad, R., Süß, T., Brinkmann, A. (2014). Compiler driven automatic kernel context migration for heterogeneous computing. Seiten: 389-398. Author/Publisher URL
Grawinkel, M., Best, G., Splietker, M., Brinkmann, A. (2014). Lone Star Stack : architecture of a disk-based archival system. Seiten: 176-185. Author/Publisher URL
Krüger, J., Grunzke, R., Gesing, S., et al. (2014). The MoSGrid science gateway : a complete solution for molecular simulations. Journal of chemical theory and computation, 10(6), Seiten: 2232-2245. Author/Publisher URL
Miranda, A., Effert, S., Kang, Y., et al. (2014). Random Slicing: Efficient and Scalable Data Placement for Large-Scale Storage Systems. ACM TRANSACTIONS ON STORAGE, 10(3). DOI Author/Publisher URL
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Packschies, L., Birkenheuer, G., Blunk, D., et al. (2013). The MoSGrid - e-science gateway: molecular simulations in a distributed computing environment. Journal of Cheminformatics, 5(S1). DOI
Berenbrink, P., Brinkmann, A., Friedetzky, T., et al. (2013). Distributing storage in cloud environments. Seiten: 963-973. Author/Publisher URL
Brinkmann, A., Fiehe, C., Litvina, A., et al. (2013). Scalable monitoring system for clouds. Seiten: 351-356. Author/Publisher URL
Kaiser, J., Margaglia, F., Brinkmann, A. (2013). Extending SSD lifetime in database applications with page overwrites. Art. 11. Author/Publisher URL
Kaiser, J., Meister, D., Gottfried, V., Brinkmann, A. (2013). MCD : overcoming the data download bottleneck in data centers. Seiten: 88-97. Author/Publisher URL
Lensing, P. H., Cortes, T., Brinkmann, A. (2013). Direct lookup and hash-based metadata placement for local file systems. Art. 5. Author/Publisher URL
Meister, D., Brinkmann, A., Süß, T. (2013). File recipe compression in data deduplication systems. Seiten: 175-182.
Meister, D., Kaiser, J., Brinkmann, A. (2013). Block locality caching for data deduplication. Art. 15. Author/Publisher URL
Perez-Hernandez, M. S., Brinkmann, A., Anastasiadis, S., et al. (2013). Topic 5: Parallel and Distributed Data Management. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science (S. 215-215). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. DOI
Birkenheuer, G., Blunk, D., Breuers, S., et al. (2012). MoSGrid: efficient data management and a standardized data exchange format for molecular simulations in a grid environment. Journal of Cheminformatics, 4(S1). DOI
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Birkenheuer, G., Brinkmann, A., Kaiser, J., et al. (2012). Virtualized HPC : a contradiction in terms?. Software <Chichester>, 42(4), Seiten: 485-500. Author/Publisher URL
Congiu, G., Grawinkel, M., Narasimhamurthy, S., Brinkmann, A. (2012). One phase commit : a low overhead atomic commitment protocol for scalable metadata services. Seiten: 16-24.
Gesing, S., Grunzke, R., Krüger, J., et al. (2012). A single sign-on infrastructure for science gateways on a use case for structural bioinformatics. Journal of grid computing, 10(4), Seiten: 769-790. Author/Publisher URL
Grawinkel, M., Süß, T., Best, G., et al. (2012). Towards dynamic scripted pNFS layouts. Seiten: 13-17. Author/Publisher URL
Herres-Pawlis, S., Birkenheuer, G., Brinkmann, A., et al. (2012). Workflow-enhanced conformational analysis of guanidine zinc complexes via a science gateway (S. Gesing, Hrsg.; S. Seiten: 142-151). Amsterdam [u.a.]:IOS Press.
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Kaiser, J., Meister, D., Hartung, T., Brinkmann, A. (2012). ESB : Ext2 split block device. Seiten: 181-188. Author/Publisher URL
Kovacs, J., Filipe Araujo, Serhiy Boychenko, et al. (2012). Monitoring UNICORE jobs executed on desktop grid resources (P. Biljanovic, Hrsg.; S. Seiten: 265-270). Piscataway, NJ:IEEE.
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Niehörster, O., Brinkmann, A., Keller, A., et al. (2012). Cost-aware and SLO-fulfilling software as a service. Journal of grid computing, 10(3), Seiten: 553-577. Author/Publisher URL
Popov, I., Brinkmann, A., Friedetzky, T. (2012). On the influence of PRNGs on data distribution (R. Stotzka, Hrsg.; S. Seiten: 536-543). Piscataway, NJ:IEEE. Author/Publisher URL
Birkenheuer, G., Blunk, D., Breuers, S., et al. (2011). MoSGrid – a molecular simulation grid as a new tool in computational chemistry, biology and material science. Journal of Cheminformatics, 3(S1). DOI
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Miranda, A., Effert, S., Kang, Y., et al. (2011). Reliable and randomized data distribution strategies for large scale storage systems. 2011 18th International Conference on High Performance Computing, 1-10. DOI
Niehorster, O., Keller, A., Brinkmann, A. (2011). An Energy-Aware SaaS Stack. 2011 IEEE 19th Annual International Symposium on Modelling, Analysis, and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems, 450-453. DOI
Beisel, T., Wiersema, T., Plessl, C., Brinkmann, A. (2011). Cooperative multitasking for heterogeneous accelerators in the Linux Completely Fair Scheduler. Seiten: 223-226.
Birkenheuer, G., Brinkmann, A. (2011). Reservation-based overbooking for HPC clusters. Seiten: 537-541. Author/Publisher URL
Birkenheuer, G., Brinkmann, A., Hoegqvist, M., et al. (2011). Infrastructure Federation Through Virtualized Delegation of Resources and Services. JOURNAL OF GRID COMPUTING, 9(3), 355-377. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Birkenheuer, G., Brinkmann, A., Högqvist, M., et al. (2011). Infrastructure federation through virtualized delegation of resources and services : DGSI ; adding interoperability to DCI meta schedulers. Journal of grid computing, 9(3), Seiten: 355-377. Author/Publisher URL
Brinkmann, A., Gao, Y., Korzeniowski, M., Meister, D. (2011). Request load balancing for highly skewed traffic in p2p networks. Seiten: 53-62. Author/Publisher URL
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Grawinkel, M., Pargmann, M., Dömer, H., Brinkmann, A. (2011). Lonestar : an energy-aware disk based long-term archival storage system. Seiten: 380-387. Author/Publisher URL
Grawinkel, M., Schäfer, T., Brinkmann, A., et al. (2011). Evaluation of applied intra-disk redundancy schemes to improve single disk reliability (W. Cai, Hrsg.; S. Seiten: 297-306). Piscataway, NJ:IEEE. Author/Publisher URL
Keller, M., Meister, D., Brinkmann, A., et al. (2011). eScience cloud infrastructure (S. Biffl, Hrsg.; S. Seiten: 188-195). Piscataway, NJ:IEEE. Author/Publisher URL
Kleineweber, C., Keller, A., Niehörster, O., Brinkmann, A. (2011). Rule-based mapping of virtual machines in clouds (Y. Cotronis, Hrsg.; S. Seiten: 527-534). Piscataway, NJ:IEEE, 2011. Author/Publisher URL
Krieger, A., Niehörster, O., Simon, J., Brinkmann, A. (2011). Autonomic resource management with support vector machines (S. Jha, Hrsg.; S. Seiten: 157-164). Piscataway, NJ:IEEE. Author/Publisher URL
Niehörster, O., Brinkmann, A. (2011). Autonomic resource management handling delayed configuration effects. Seiten: 138-145.
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Bienkowski, M., Brinkmann, A., Klonowski, M., Korzeniowski, M. (2010). SkewCCC+ : a heterogeneous distributed hash table (C. Lu, Hrsg.; S. Seiten: 219-234). Berlin u.a.:Springer.
Birkenheuer, G., Breuers, S., Brinkmann, A., et al. (2010). Grid-workflows in molecular science (G. Engels, Hrsg.; S. Seiten: 177-184). Bonn:Ges. für Informatik (GI).
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Bolte, M., Sievers, M., Birkenheuer, G., et al. (2010). Non-intrusive virtualization management using libvirt. Seiten: 574-579.
Gao, Y., Meister, D., Brinkmann, A. (2010). Reliability analysis of declustered-parity RAID 6 with disk scrubbing and considering irrecoverable read errors. Seiten: 126-134. Author/Publisher URL
Hasselbring, W., Brinkmann, A. (2010). 3. Grid Workflow Workshop (GWW 2010). In G. Engels, M. Luckey, A. Pretschner, und R. H. Reussner (Hrsg.), Software Engineering (Workshops): Bd. P-160 (S. 161-162). GI. Author/Publisher URL
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Lensing, P., Meister, D., Brinkmann, A. (2010). hashFS : applying hashing to optimized file systems for small file reads. Seiten: 33-42. Author/Publisher URL
Niehörster, O., Brinkmann, A., Fels, G., et al. (2010). Enforcing SLAs in scientific clouds. Seiten: 178-187. Author/Publisher URL
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Brinkmann, A., Eschweiler, D. (2009). A microdriver architecture for error correcting codes inside the linux kernel. Seiten: 388-397. Author/Publisher URL
Höing, A., Scherp, G., Gudenkauf, S., et al. (2009). An orchestration as a service infrastructure using grid technologies and WS-BPEL. Seiten: 301-315. Author/Publisher URL
Meister, D., Brinkmann, A. (2009). Multi-level comparison of data deduplication in a backup scenario (M. Allalouf, Hrsg.; S. Article No. 8). New York, NY:ACM. Author/Publisher URL
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Griese, B., Brinkmann, A., und Porrmann, M. (2008). SelfS : a real-time protocol for virtual ring topologies. Seiten: 1-8. Author/Publisher URL
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Loeser, C., Schomaker, G., Brinkmann, A., et al. (2005). Content distribution in heterogenous video-on-Demand P2P networks with ARIMA forecasts (P. Lorenz, Hrsg.; S. Seiten: 800-809). Berlin:Springer. Author/Publisher URL
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Awerbuch, B., Brinkmann, A., und Scheideler, C. (2003). Anycasting in adversarial systems : routing and admission control (J. C. M. Baeten, Hrsg.; S. Seiten: 1153-1168). Berlin [u.a.]:Springer. Author/Publisher URL
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Salkhordeh, R., Schuhknecht, F. M., Asadi, H., et al. (2025). No Time to Halt: In-Situ Analysis for Large-Scale Data Processing via Virtual Snapshotting. In A. Simitsis, B. Kemme, A. Queralt, et al. (Hrsg.), EDBT (S. 438-450). OpenProceedings.org. Author/Publisher URL
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Kremer, K., Brinkmann, A. (2019). FADaC: a self-adapting data classifier for flash memory. Proceedings of the 12th ACM International Conference on Systems and Storage (SYSTOR), 167-178. DOI
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Congiu, G., Narasimhamurthy, S., Suess, T., Brinkmann, A. (2016). Improving Collective I/O Performance Using Non-Volatile Memory Devices. 2016 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CLUSTER COMPUTING (CLUSTER), 120-129. DOI Author/Publisher URL
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Lensing, P. H., Cortes, T., Huges, J., Brinkmann, A. (2016). File system scalability with highly decentralized metadata on independent storage devices. Seiten: 366-375. Author/Publisher URL
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Grawinkel, M., Best, G., Splietker, M., Brinkmann, A. (2014). Lone Star Stack : architecture of a disk-based archival system. Seiten: 176-185. Author/Publisher URL
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Kaiser, J., Meister, D., Gottfried, V., Brinkmann, A. (2013). MCD : overcoming the data download bottleneck in data centers. Seiten: 88-97. Author/Publisher URL
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Vef, M.-A., Moti, N., Süß, T., et al. (2020). GekkoFS - A Temporary Burst Buffer File System for HPC Applications. Journal of Computer Science and Technology (JCST), 35(1), 72-91. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Cheng, W., Cai, R., Zeng, L., et al. (2020). IMCI: an efficient fingerprint retrieval approach based on 3D stacked memory. Sci. China Inf. Sci., 63. DOI
Cheng, W., Guo, T., Zeng, L., et al. (2020). Improving LSM-trie performance by parallel search. Software: Practice and Experience, 50, 1952-1965. DOI
Santiago-Duran, M., Gonzalez-Compean, J. L., Brinkmann, A., et al. (2020). A gearbox model for processing large volumes of data by using pipeline systems encapsulated into virtual containers. Future Generation Computer Systems, 106, 304-319. Author/Publisher URL
Oliveira, D., Brinkmann, A., Rosa, N., Maciel, P. (2019). Performability Evaluation and Optimization of Workflow Applications in Cloud Environments. Journal of Grid Computing, 17(4), 749-770. DOI
Baumgartner, M., Sagebaum, M., Gauger, N. R., et al. (2019). Algorithmic Differentiation for Cloud Schemes. Geoscientific Model Development Discussions, 1-23. DOI
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Vef, M.-A., Tarasov, V., Hildebrand, D., Brinkmann, A. (2018). Challenges and Solutions for Tracing Storage Systems: A Case Study with Spectrum Scale. ACM Transactions on Storage (ToS), 14, 18:1-18:24. DOI Author/Publisher URL
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Miranda, A., Effert, S., Kang, Y., et al. (2014). Random Slicing: Efficient and Scalable Data Placement for Large-Scale Storage Systems. ACM TRANSACTIONS ON STORAGE, 10(3). DOI Author/Publisher URL
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Birkenheuer, G., Blunk, D., Breuers, S., et al. (2012). MoSGrid: efficient data management and a standardized data exchange format for molecular simulations in a grid environment. Journal of Cheminformatics, 4(S1). DOI
Berenbrink, P., Brinkmann, A., Friedetzky, T., Nagel, L. (2012). Balls into bins with related random choices. Journal of parallel and distributed computing, 72(2), Seiten: 246-253. Author/Publisher URL
Birkenheuer, G., Brinkmann, A., Kaiser, J., et al. (2012). Virtualized HPC : a contradiction in terms?. Software <Chichester>, 42(4), Seiten: 485-500. Author/Publisher URL
Gesing, S., Grunzke, R., Krüger, J., et al. (2012). A single sign-on infrastructure for science gateways on a use case for structural bioinformatics. Journal of grid computing, 10(4), Seiten: 769-790. Author/Publisher URL
Niehörster, O., Brinkmann, A., Keller, A., et al. (2012). Cost-aware and SLO-fulfilling software as a service. Journal of grid computing, 10(3), Seiten: 553-577. Author/Publisher URL
Birkenheuer, G., Blunk, D., Breuers, S., et al. (2011). MoSGrid – a molecular simulation grid as a new tool in computational chemistry, biology and material science. Journal of Cheminformatics, 3(S1). DOI
Krüger, J., Birkenheuer, G., Blunk, D., et al. (2011). Molecular simulation grid. Journal of Cheminformatics, 3(S1). DOI
Birkenheuer, G., Brinkmann, A., Hoegqvist, M., et al. (2011). Infrastructure Federation Through Virtualized Delegation of Resources and Services. JOURNAL OF GRID COMPUTING, 9(3), 355-377. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Birkenheuer, G., Brinkmann, A., Högqvist, M., et al. (2011). Infrastructure federation through virtualized delegation of resources and services : DGSI ; adding interoperability to DCI meta schedulers. Journal of grid computing, 9(3), Seiten: 355-377. Author/Publisher URL
Brinkmann, A., Pease, D. (2011). Guest Editorial. ACM Trans. Storage, 7, 7:1-7:1. DOI
Brinkmann, A., Pease, D. (2011). Untitled. ACM TRANSACTIONS ON STORAGE, 7(3). DOI Author/Publisher URL
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Vef, M.-A., Steiner, R., Salkhordeh, R., et al. (2020). DelveFS - An Event-Driven Semantic File System for Object Stores. 2020 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (CLUSTER), 35-46. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Oeste, S., Vef, M.-A., Soysal, M., et al. (2020). ADA-FS - Advanced Data Placement via Ad hoc File Systems at Extreme Scales. In Software for Exascale Computing - SPPEXA 2016-2019 (Bde. 136, S. 29-59). Springer International Publishing. DOI
Brinkmann, A., Yu, K. M. and W., Carns, P., et al. (2020). Ad Hoc File Systems for High-Performance Computing. Journal of Computer Science and Technology (JCST), 35(1), 4-26. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Vef, M.-A., Moti, N., Süß, T., et al. (2020). GekkoFS - A Temporary Burst Buffer File System for HPC Applications. Journal of Computer Science and Technology (JCST), 35(1), 72-91. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Brinkmann, A., Karl, W., Lankes, S., … Trinitis, C. (Hrsg.). (2020). Architecture of Computing Systems - ARCS 2020 - 33rd International Conference, Aachen, Germany, May 25-28, 2020, Proceedings. 12155. DOI
Cheng, W., Cai, R., Zeng, L., et al. (2020). IMCI: an efficient fingerprint retrieval approach based on 3D stacked memory. Sci. China Inf. Sci., 63. DOI
Cheng, W., Guo, T., Zeng, L., et al. (2020). Improving LSM-trie performance by parallel search. Software: Practice and Experience, 50, 1952-1965. DOI
Santiago-Duran, M., Gonzalez-Compean, J. L., Brinkmann, A., et al. (2020). A gearbox model for processing large volumes of data by using pipeline systems encapsulated into virtual containers. Future Generation Computer Systems, 106, 304-319. Author/Publisher URL
Salkhordeh, R., Brinkmann, A. (2019, Dezember 17). Online Management of Hybrid DRAM-NVMM Memory for HPC. 26th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing, Data and Analytics (HiPC). IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing, Data and Analytics (HiPC), Hyderabad, India. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Oliveira, D., Brinkmann, A., Rosa, N., Maciel, P. (2019). Performability Evaluation and Optimization of Workflow Applications in Cloud Environments. Journal of Grid Computing, 17(4), 749-770. DOI
Baumgartner, M., Sagebaum, M., Gauger, N. R., et al. (2019). Algorithmic Differentiation for Cloud Schemes. Geoscientific Model Development Discussions, 1-23. DOI
Baumgartner, M., Sagebaum, M., Gauger, N. R., et al. (2019). Algorithmic differentiation for cloud schemes (IFS Cy43r3) using CoDiPack (v1.8.1). GEOSCIENTIFIC MODEL DEVELOPMENT, 12(12), 5197-5212. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Kremer, K., Brinkmann, A. (2019). FADaC: a self-adapting data classifier for flash memory. Proceedings of the 12th ACM International Conference on Systems and Storage (SYSTOR), 167-178. DOI
Mäsker, M., Süß, T., Nagel, L., et al. (2019). Hyperion: Building the Largest In-memory Search Tree. Proceedings of the 2019 ACM International Conference on Management of Data (SIGMOD), 1207-1222. DOI
Oliveira, D., Dantas, J., Rosa, N., et al. (2019). A dependability and cost optimisation method for private cloud infrastructures. International Journal of Web and Grid Services (IJWGS), 15, 367-393. DOI
Qian, Y., Li, X., Ihara, S., et al. (2019). LPCC: hierarchical persistent client caching for lustre. Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC), 88:1-88:14. DOI
Soysal, M., Berghoff, M., Zirwes, T., et al. (2019). Using On-Demand File Systems in HPC Environments. 17th International Conference on High Performance Computing and Simulation (HPCS), Dublin, Ireland, July 15-19.
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Fleissner, F., Kumar, S., Klein, N., et al. (2020). Tension causes structural unfolding of intracellular intermediate filaments. In Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. DOI
Dueppre, E., Schneider, D. (2020). The J- and G/F-domains of the major Synechocystis DnaJ protein Sll0897 are sufficient for cell viability but not for heat resistance. FEBS OPEN BIO, 10(11), 2343-2349. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Fleissner, F., Kumar, S., Klein, N., et al. (2020). Tension Causes Unfolding of Intracellular Vimentin Intermediate Filaments. ADVANCED BIOSYSTEMS, 4(11). DOI Author/Publisher URL
Junglas, B., Orru, R., Axt, A., et al. (2020). IM30 IDPs form a membrane-protective carpet upon super-complex disassembly. COMMUNICATIONS BIOLOGY, 3(1). DOI Author/Publisher URL
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Siebenaller, C., Junglas, B., Lehmann, A., et al. (2020). Proton Leakage Is Sensed by IM30 and Activates IM30-Triggered Membrane Fusion. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES, 21(12). DOI Author/Publisher URL
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